Also see Graph: Obama vs Reagan and comparing their economic recoveries. and Video: President Ronald Reagan in his farewell address to the nation and The Great Rediscovery. and PHD economist Jeffrey A Miron from MIT explains: Why the Bush Tax Cuts Worked in the New York Times
Graph exposes how terrible this "summer of recovery" has been. The graph is taken from the New York Times which is hardly a conservative source. And the statistics are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:
"Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Chart by Amanda Cox. Horizontal axis shows months. Vertical axis shows the ratio of that month’s nonfarm payrolls to the nonfarm payrolls at the start of recession. Note: Because employment is a lagging indicator, the dates for these employment trends are not exactly synchronized with National Bureau of Economic Research’s official business cycle dates."
Also see Graph: Obama vs Reagan and comparing their economic recoveries. and Cartoons and charts exposing economic consequences for America's straying from our "In God we trust" roots and One nation under God and what does it matter? and No matter how great the human resources we throw at our current crisis without God are we bound for failure? and label American Remembrance and lastly 81% of the Tea Party are Christians and 2 times more Americans call themselves conservative Christians than part of the Tea Party
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