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Gallup confirms Rasmussen: Perry 29% Romney 17%

Gallup ditto's Rasmussen's poll result from last week with Perry up 29% to Romney at 17%. Also, see Rasmussen: Rick Perry 29% Romney 18%

Check out Perry's first campaign ad at Video: Rick Perry's first campaign ad in which he briefly mentions God and then check out Perry's statement for why he is running at Rick Perry's statement on why he is running for President with God's help and lastly but certainly not least watch Perry give a speech at a recent gathering to call our nation to prayer below.

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Rasmussen: Rick Perry 29% Romney 18%

Rasmussen has this new post titled GOP Primary: Perry 29%, Romney 18%, Bachmann 13%

That about says it all. Check out Perry's first campaign ad at Video: Rick Perry's first campaign ad in which he briefly mentions God and then check out Perry's statement for why he is running at Rick Perry's statement on why he is running for President with God's help and lastly but certainly not least watch Perry give a speech at a recent gathering to call our nation to prayer below.

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Video: Rick Perry's first campaign ad

Not afraid to mention God in a first campaign ad is a pretty good start but for even more check out Rick Perry's statement on why he is running for President with God's help

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Rick Perry's statement on why he is running for President with God's help

As you read below Rick Perry's statement do check out his recent speech at a prayer gathering for America. VVN likes Rick Perry so far out of all the candidates for Republican primaries.

This from Rick Perry's campaign site at Why I’m Running. What is in bold below is from Rick Perry's site and not added by VVN.

What I learned in my 20’s traveling the globe as an Air Force pilot, our current president has yet to acknowledge in his 50’s – that we are the most exceptional nation on the face of the earth.

As Americans, we believe freedom is a gift from God, and government’s prime function is to defend it. We don’t see the role of government as a nanny state, and we recognize there is no government money that wasn’t once earned through the sweat and toil of private citizens.

That’s why we object to an Administration that sees its role as spending our children’s inheritance on failed economic theories that have given us record debt and left far too many unemployed, threatening not only our economy, but our security. Our reliance on foreign creditors and sources of energy not only compromises our national sovereignty, but jeopardizes our national future.

America’s place in the world is in peril, not only because of disastrous economic policies, but from the incoherent muddle known as our foreign policy. Our president has thumbed his nose at traditional allies such as Israel and Great Britain.

We will not sit back and accept our current misery…because a great country requires a better direction…because a renewed nation requires a new president. That’s why, with faith in God, the support of my family, and an unwavering belief in the goodness of America, I am a candidate for President of the United States.

And I will work every day to make Washington, D.C. as inconsequential in your lives as I can.

As governor of Texas I have led based on a few guiding principles. One, don’t spend all the money. Two, keep taxes low and under control. Three, keep regulations fair and predictable. And four, reform the legal system so frivolous lawsuits don’t paralyze employers that are trying to create jobs.

Over ten years, we have followed this recipe of fiscal restraint to produce the strongest economy in the nation. While millions of jobs have been lost over the last decade nationwide, hundreds of thousands of jobs have been added in Texas. Texas is home to one in 12 Americans, and yet since June of 2009, we have created more than four in ten American jobs.

The change we seek will never emanate out of Washington…it must come from the windswept prairies of Middle America…the farms and factories across this great land…the hearts and minds of God-fearing Americans who will not accept a future that is less than our past…who will not be consigned a fate of less freedom in exchange for more government.

It is up to us…to this present generation of Americans…to take a stand for freedom…to send a signal to Washington that we are taking the country back from the grips of central planners who would control our healthcare, spend our treasure and micro-manage our businesses.

My mission as your president will be to get America working again!

With God’s help, and your courage, we will take our country back. I hope you will take a moment to join the team and consider a donation to the campaign.

Thank you, and God bless America.

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Video: Iowa GOP primary debate 2011

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The ultimate form of tyranny

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Video: Students for Rick Perry

Also see Rick Perry's speech this last weekend at Video: Rick Perry's speech at The Response

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Video: Rick Perry's speech at The Response


Also see America's first national day of thanksgiving exactly 231 years ago... and When unemployment was high and a civil war was about to break what did the President of the US recommend in 1860? and Abraham Lincoln vs Barack Obama in Thanksgiving Day Proclamations and Mike Pence makes the Republicans' first acts in power in prayer and remembrance of 1774 when the first congress convened.

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Watch The Response USA live

Click Here to watch The Response USA live. For more on this event see Governor Rick Perry and a call for the nation to prayer.

Also see America's first national day of thanksgiving exactly 231 years ago... and When unemployment was high and a civil war was about to break what did the President of the US recommend in 1860? and Abraham Lincoln vs Barack Obama in Thanksgiving Day Proclamations and Mike Pence makes the Republicans' first acts in power in prayer and remembrance of 1774 when the first congress convened.

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Video: Marco Rubio on the Senate floor over the issue of the debt ceiling


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Marco Rubio: Video of his first speech on the Senate floor

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