Check out this 10 minute video or so conversation as the interviewer pins the Imam down on the issue of serving the community of New York and on the issue of sensitivity (the most concerning part of the interview is at about 6 minutes and until the end). He actually justifies the building of the Mosque near Ground Zero even though poll after poll show that it would be insensitive to the community on the grounds that if they don't then the radical Muslim world will consider it an act of war on them and put troops in harms way and so forth. Unbelievable. What will be next? This Ground Zero Mosque issue is beginning to turn into something far bigger than originally thought with comments like this. Are we going to let a foreign power of any sort choose for us what we are or are not going to do via there irrational threats?
Oh and by the way our own US military burned bibles in Afghanistan and guess what? No death threats nor consideration that this is an act of war on the Christian world. Sure it was unjust and should be condemned but the Bible burnings were again another act by our government to appease radical Islam. Go ahead and ignore the Quran and Bible burnings and the Ground Zero Mosque but then what next?
But I think Americans that are in harms way themselves may not want their country to give in to radical Islamic threats either. Just something to consider. I mean there are some things worth dying over like freedom from radicals that if they had there way would enslave us and others. Patrick Henry thought so in his famous saying "Give me liberty or give me death". I mean isn't that why we have a national security to protect those freedoms and not surrender them? Just some further thoughts...
And why should we act out of fear. Should we not be trusting God for our National Security and not in appeasing some Radical Islamic World. If Radical Islam is worthy of its name then who is to say that they will stop at the Ground Zero Mosque. They are completely irrational to consider this an act of war. What an act of war is the airplanes being used as missiles to kill and damage American blood and soil. And then to build a Mosque and not stop the building for sensitivity sake because of those very same radicals. Unbelievable!!!
Are we going to trust the terrorists or God and do what is right? Will this Imam fear the terrorist above his
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