Exactly. Radical Christianity vs Radical Islam. A world of difference. Go burn a Bible in America and then go burn a Koran in Iran and see what happens. Actually try to burn a Koran in America and see what happens!!! It's happening even before it happens!!! What if Americans were to burn an Islamic countries flag like they burn ours? Yikes.....
Also see Imam using fear of the same radical Islamic world that took down the twin towers for justification of building the Ground Zero Mosque even though he understands the insensitivity issue.
Update: Call Off the Suicide Bombers… Pastor Cancels His Koranic Bonfire Exactly!!!:
"The minister of a Florida church said he has canceled plans to burn copies of the Quran because the leader of a much-opposed plan to build an Islamic Center near ground zero has agreed to move its location. The agreement couldn’t be immediately confirmed."
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