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From Monkey to Man? Today is 150th anniversary of Darwin's The Origin of Species and a new documentary on the Galapagos Islands challenges Darwin's interpretation

For brand new video documentary where christian explorers go to the Galapagos Islands to tell an entirely different story than that of Darwin's. Below is trailer. You can purchase DVD at Values Voter News Store powered by Amazon here. You can also see prior posts concerning this movie at New documentary of the Galapagos islands just released. and Christ on the Galapagos Islands and a new documentary from a Christ centered creationist perspective of the Galapagos Islands.

The Mysterious Islands Trailer 2: Evolution's Birthplace from Vision Forum on Vimeo.

New York Times article on Hacked e-mails of global warming scientists is the most linked to story for two days now.

Related: Lord Monckton's highly recommended 90 minute speech on UN Climate Change Treaty going viral on You Tube

The story reported at the New York Times titled Hacked E-Mail Is New Fodder for Climate Dispute has been the most linked to news story on the blogoshere for two days in a row according to blogpulse. Last month another similar story by the BBCNews was the top linked to news story for three days in a row according to blogpulse that was about climate change. See BBC News: Current climate models fail to forecast that the globe is not warming even though man made carbon dioxide continues to rise

Here is an example from the New York Times article:

The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t” Dr. Trenberth wrote. And here is the email in all its context. By the way this link is an excellent link cause it has a search for all the alleged emails so you can see the statements in context.

Here is another one from the Wall Street Journal: 'The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the U.K., I think I'll delete the file rather than send to anyone. . . . We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind."

And then one from CNN: ""I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e., from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."

And even the Washington Post: ""I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report," Jones writes. "Kevin and I will keep them out somehow -- even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"

Found this quick video report...

Just got this in an email update from NCPA: E-MAIL LEAK TURNS UP HEAT ON GLOBAL WARMING ADVOCATES-"...Around 1,000 emails and 3,000 documents were stolen from UEA computers by hackers last week..."This is not a smoking gun, this is a mushroom cloud," climatologist Patrick J. Michaels told the New York Times (NYT)...Lord Lawson, who served as chancellor for six years under Margaret Thatcher, has called for an independent inquiry into claims that leading climate change scientists manipulated data to strengthen the case for man-made global warming"

Senator calls for an investigation while 5 years ago claiming this was a hoax...

And in same email update was this from NCPA: CLIMATOLOGISTS BAFFLED BY GLOBAL WARMING TIME-OUT - "Latif, one of Germany's best-known climatologists, says that the temperature curve has reached a plateau.  "There can be no argument about that," he says.  "We have to face that fact."

And found this video that I saw some years ago on 20/20 which will be found to be quite interesting in this context. Especially, when you get to about 4:00 minute but watch it all.

Bloggers save a life after calls and after attorneys file lawsuit against Tennessee hospital to extend care to 9 month old baby.

First here is a video of the baby posted on You Tube at 11/23/2009.

Jill Stanek at JillStanek.com rallied support for Baby Gabriel at a Tennessee hospital after finding out about his story as ADF attorneys file lawsuit to protect life of the 9 month old child.

Jill Stanek reported on the endangered life of the child at Breaking: Emergency injunction filed to stop hospital from discontinuing baby's care and posted the phone number for the hospital for her readers to call in support of Gabriel. And then had various updates through out the day and at 3:45 PM Jill Stanek posted these comforting comments:

"UPDATE, 3:45p: The ADF lawsuit and pro-life hubbub caused the "ethics panel" to decide today to formally agree not to withdraw care for Baby Gabriel. Thanks to all who reposted and called the hospital!

ADF writes:

The agreement between the hospital and Baby Gabriel's mother has not yet been put in writing. ADF attorneys are withdrawing their motion for a temporary restraining order but will not withdraw the complaint until a written agreement is finalized. Until then, the lawsuit is still active.
ADF legal counsel Matt Bowman said, "We are pleased with the ethic panel's decision but look forward to full resolution in writing so Baby Gabriel's life will no longer be in danger."

President Obama just hit his lowest approval rating yet according to Rasmussen Reports and amongst those who disapprove 42% strongly disapprove.

Update 11/25/2009 For second straight day Obama's approval rating remains at it lowest ever measured by Rasmussen's daily approval polling. and Republicans tie their best lead in the Generic Congressional Ballot weekly poll at Rasmussen.

Now back to original post...

But first the trials of terrorists in a civilian court and Obama's handling of the Fort Hood incident may be linked to Obama's continual downfall in polling along with health care. See more below.

Rasmussen: "The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15. This is the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for President Obama (see trends)...Overall, 45% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. That matches the lowest level of total approval yet measured for this president."

This is in the same week that Rasmussen Reports showed support for the health care reform currently in congress at it's lowest ever reported support (see Support for Health Care bill at an all time low according to Rasmussen Reports but cautions that next week's update will indicate a more accurate trend). Notice Obama is not saying all that much about the health care bill as of late. At least not nearly as much as in prior months and now we are getting down to the debate and passage time for the bills. You would think he would be out supporting this as much at this time as ever. Maybe these polls explain why he is not.

Also, note that Gallup is polling the same trend at Rasmussen and Gallup polls concur: If elections were held today Republicans would gain big victories in congress and presidency. and Gallup and Rasmussen both concur that Republicans are winning and especially among Independents by over 20 points according to both polls

And lastly, President Obama has his worst monthly approval ratings yet in October. Why? and this month appears to be panning out to be even worse. Not to fail to mention: Obama has the largest 2nd to 3rd quarter drop in approval ratings ever on the Gallup poll and other interesting polling stats.

100 Canadian youth show up to pray for an end to abortion in front of Canadian hospital and plan a further prayer event on the 20th.

Related: Testimony of the very Roe of Roe v Wade after finding forgiveness in Christ for her sins. Once abortion activist now trying to reverse Roe v Wade

Videos below found at Canada's BoundforLife.

LifeSiteNews.com has this report on "Well over 100 people, the vast majority youth, "stood in the gap" and prayed for an end to abortion in front of Kelowna General Hospital on Saturday morning.

The BC Interior Health Authority has run a weekly abortion clinic inside Kelowna General Hospital since 2001.

Organizer Dusty Reid reported that 132 people came out to line the sidewalk across from Kelowna's abortion facility wearing red duct tape bearing the word LIFE over their mouths and praying for an end to abortion and a spiritual revival for Canada.

Reid, founder of Bound4LIFE Kelowna Chapter, said that Saturday's turnout exceeded all expectations and reflects a growing desire among young Christians to stand up against the evil of abortion. "The vast majority, perhaps as many as 90%, of participants were under the age of 30, a statistic that offers hope and encouragement for the future of the pro life movement everywhere," Reid said....Visit the Kelowna Right to Life website here for pictures of the Silent Siege Kelowna event."

None of the best-known international health care comparisons consider contributions to medical innovation.

Some in the international community accuse the US of being stingy in foreign aide cause studies show our government give far less then other governments to which an answer has been advanced at US stinginess in foreign aide?/Organized Christianity abuses power and money?/Big Business' portrayed as corrupt? which basically argues that those studies do not take into account private volunteer/donations through private non governmental organizations which then puts the US on equal par with most other countries. For more on that see Faith and Family Philanthropy.

Now another criticism by some in our international and national community today is over the cost of health care in the US. To which is given a brief response below.

"None of the best-known international health care comparisons consider contributions to medical innovation."-From study at CATO Institute.

BENDING THE PRODUCTIVITY CURVE: WHY AMERICA LEADS THE WORLD IN MEDICAL INNOVATION-"....In general, Americans tend to receive more new treatments and pay more for them -- a fact that is usually regarded as a fault of the American system.  That interpretation, if not entirely wrong, is at least incomplete, say Whitman and Raad:
  • Rapid adoption and extensive use of new treatments and technologies create an incentive to develop those techniques in the first place.
  • When the United States subsidizes medical innovation, the whole world benefits; that is a virtue of the American system that is not reflected in comparative life expectancy and mortality statistics.
  • Inasmuch as a medical treatment must first be invented before its costs can be reduced and its use extended to everyone, medical innovation remains critical....."

Lord Monckton's highly recommended 90 minute speech on UN Climate Change Treaty going viral on You Tube

To give you a 5 minute portion with over 2.3 million You Tube hits since 10/16/2009 of this 90 minute speech for starters see first video. Values Voter News reported on this 5 minute version of the video originally at Lord Monckton warns America on the United Nations Climate Change Treaty to be signed in Copenhagen with 1.6 million YouTube hits in 2 weeks

Although this is a 90 minute speech it still has received almost 200,000 You Tube hits in its two versions since 10/15/2009. Quite a bit for a 90 minute speech. Below is the most recent version which includes slides that Lord Monckton refers to.

BBC News: Current climate models fail to forecast that the globe is not warming even though man made carbon dioxide continues to rise-"This story was the most linked to story in the blogosphere on 10/11/2009 and 10/12/2009 (Update 10/14/2009-and now top story linked to on 10/13/2009) according to BlogPulse. Values Voter News wonders if it will make for any discussion at Big Media here in the states as congress attempts to pass global warming legislation"

Related: Watch 10 minute video of two lawyers of the EPA critical of the Obama administration's climate change policy
YouTube video: "Everybody...realizes cap and trade is a tax...a great big one", says Democrat and Chairman Emeritus of Energy and Commerce Committee
Tax payers will now be bailing out the bus industry via stimulus package
Video: Professor of meteorology at MIT on panel answering questions concerning the subject of global warming after premiere screening of new movie
BBCWorldNews exposes evidence of "emotional" "scare tactics" by Greenpeace as they exaggerate global warming
CNSNews.com reports on another study in the Journal of Geophysical Research that undermines climate change via man made
Video that answers the question: Why Global Warming Policies Are More Dangerous Than Global Warming Itself
Video Interview of New York Times best seller over the issue of Global Warming.
4 pound book for free online that draws from thousands of peer-reviewed research papers rebutting Global Warming propenents at IPCC
Video: World's largest particle physics laboratory funding project now a second time that supports global climate caused by cosmic rays
Video of O'Rielly explains GE owns CNBC resulting in a conflict in interest over cap and trade since GE is the largest wind turbine generator maker.
Every "green job" created with government money in Spain cost 2.2 regular jobs and only one in 10 "green jobs" became permanent....
Cost of Global Warming in pictures...
Scientist Links Melting Polar Ice to Greenhouse Effect but Government’s Own Research Shows Otherwise
Global Warming and don't forget about it's cost..Obama said electricity rates would necessarily sky rocket...
"Green" California leads the nation in job losses...and Czech president says unlike Gore he is able to listen to competing theories...
Music Video spoof: "Going Green with Cap and Trade"

US unemployment is worse then Europe now and some lessons learned about how government effects unemployment and why we need to get back to God.

Ultimately, we need to seek God when times like this occur to get some of His wisdom into this mess and really at all times. We should be thanking Him for the good times and bad times and asking Him what it is we should be learning form this. It seems as though man's wisdom is failing miserably and if we don't seek it above we may just be in for a very unpleasant ride. But who knows but that God is calling many to seek wisdom in Him. See: When unemployment was high and a civil war was about to break what did the President of the US recommend in 1860? and Cartoons and charts exposing economic consequences for America's straying from our "In God we trust" roots

Related: Newly released stats by Bureau of Labor Statistics show that Job Creation not Job losses are driving unemployment revealing why the stimulus package is not working as the Obama administration claimed it would.

From The Washington Post...

U.S. now beating European unemployment rates - "According to the European Union, the unemployment rate in the 16-nation Euro area in September (the most recent month available) was 9.7 percent."

Spain is the highest and take note:

"The lesson here is the failure -- once again -- of socialism. Spain's socialist government has extended jobless benefits and engaged in massive stimulus spending (sound familiar?) worth about 2.3 percent of GDP.

More importantly, the socialist government refused to cut what are called "firing costs:" how much it costs in severance to lay off an employee. By law, a fired contract employee must receive 20 days' pay per year worked. But because the unions are so strong and threaten to strike at the drop of a hat, many companies pay much more severance than that.

It's a catch-22: Struggling companies need to lay off workers to reduce costs, but the cost of laying off workers is so high, there are no cost savings."

Sounds like this would save jobs right. Not if the company goes under. Think of GM and Chrysler and if you think a bailout does any better think again. See 

"The French unemployment rate is 10 percent. The under-25 unemployment rate is 24.5 percent, among the highest in Europe.

The French are famous for their liberal unemployment benefits. According to London's Mail newspaper, "Unemployment benefits in France equal 57 per cent to 75 per cent of a jobseeker's last salary, capped at 6,366.80 [euros] a month. Benefits can last for as long as three years, and sometimes longer for people nearing retirement."

I'll do the conversion for you: 6,366.80 euros equals $9,548.70. That's per month.

The Mail was occasioned to write the story in February because French financial professionals living in London were fleeing the collapsing banking houses so they could go back to France and collect fat unemployment checks.

Of course, many economists note that such extensive unemployment benefits are a disincentive for looking for work. Actually, you don't need an economist to tell you that. It's common sense."

See related video's below from politician in the UK.

This one has gotten over 2.5 million hits since March 09. In which Daniel makes a prediction that the voters will soon have their say in the upcoming elections and the voters proved Mr Hannan to be correct. See First Canada, then UK and EU, then Japan and now Germany's recent elections give another all time worst blow to liberal politicians and UK's labour party takes the worst showing since 1918 as conservatives gain ground. YouTube video of Daniel Hannan MEP for one reason why.

This is key as to why even though Job losses are slowing down and jobs have been "created or saved" by the stimulus package unemployment continues to spiral. Hopefully this will evidence forth the very point at which the Obama administration errored in their prediction that the stimulus package would bring unemployment below 8% by now. Obama claimed that with the passing of his stimulus package that unemployment would be below 8% by now but it is above 10.2% (see chart to the left). They claim they misjudged the severity of the recession. Which is possible but doesn't prove a whole lot. How exactly does one evidence forth the severity of a recession accept as time goes along and so it is quite convenient to use that argument but none the less possible?

However, there is another possibility and a little more measurable and evidential. Newly released data from the very Bureau of Labor Statistics that we get our unemployment figures from released information on Job gains which takes 8 months to process reveals possibly just how they errored.

Notice the second graph to the left. Even if no job losses occurred unemployment would have still risen because no new gains in jobs were occurring but actually dramatically decreasing. This means that business owners are not expanding and investing in new business opportunities that create new jobs which the economy needs to create some 100,000 new jobs a month to keep pace with the growing labor force. For more on that see this excellent blog titled Slow Job Creation, Not Job Losses, Driving Unemployment from The Heritage Foundation where I found the graphs to the left at.

Tax decreases in times past has been the vehicle that encourages owners to expand and invest in new business opportunities which result in new jobs. But instead of tax decreases to encourage new jobs the Obama administration went on a spending spree in continuation of the Bush adminstration's resolve in the last quarter of '08 which increases taxes and discourages business owners to expand or invest in new business opportunities. (By the way many of these new business's not only benefit employment but also society as a whole as we become the beneficiary of new products worthy of our buying because they benefit society enough in some way to do so.)

So the bailouts of the Auto industry were designed to save jobs but at tax paying expense which is at new job creating expense necessary to keep unemployment low. And the stimulus package was designed to stimulate the economy in hopes that new jobs were "created or save" many of which were probably more saved then created but even if they were this too was at tax payers expense which is at new job creation expense. But even the figures headlined from a little while ago of 640,000 jobs "saved or created" by the stimulus package are in understandable dispute see California Republican Issa exposes 640,000 jobs created headline as mere propaganda in recent committee hearing for a reasonable argument for why but for a more unbiased discussion to get both sides on the issue and the congressman's comments all in context with his opposition's comments see avoidthebias.com.

So the flaw behind government spending which is that spending always comes at new job creating expense is possibly the very flaw in the failed predictions of the Obama administration which may better explain why the figures are so far off than a claimed misjudgment of the recession or at least provide another possible reason if more than one reason exists which is very possibly the case to.

See related video's below from politician in the UK and also see an unbiased fair debate on this very issue at avoidthebias.com for both sides of the argument before the stimulus package was passed and for a better understanding of the issue from both sides.

This one has gotten over 2.5 million hits since March 09. In which Daniel makes a prediction that the voters will soon have their say in the upcoming elections and the voters proved Mr Hannan to be correct. See First Canada, then UK and EU, then Japan and now Germany's recent elections give another all time worst blow to liberal politicians and UK's labour party takes the worst showing since 1918 as conservatives gain ground. YouTube video of Daniel Hannan MEP for one reason why.

Support for Health Care bill at an all time low according to Rasmussen Reports but cautions that next week's update will indicate a more accurate trend

Rasmussen polling has been tracking likely voters view of the Health Care plan being put through the House and Senate and at the moment it is not fairing well. 38% favor while 56% oppose which is the worst reported yet. However, Rasmussen states: "Rasmussen Reports is continuing to track public opinion on the health care plan on a weekly basis. Next week’s Monday morning update will give an indication of whether these numbers reflect a trend of growing opposition or are merely statistical noise." Update 11/30/2009: 41% Support Health Care Legislation, 53% Oppose and Gallup polling agrees with recent poll at Americans Still Leaning Against Healthcare Legislation.

Rasmussen polls accurately polled the winners of the New Jersey and Virginia Governor races and both Gallup and Rasmussen agree that Republicans would win their congressional elections if the elections were held today. See Gallup and Rasmussen both concur that Republicans are winning and especially among Independents by over 20 points according to both polls and President Obama has his worst monthly approval ratings yet in October. Why?

Now this is at a time when Congress and the President are pushing this highly disputed and probably one of the most publicly debated bills ever. This bill just recently jumped a hurdle in barely allowing it to be brought to the floor for debate by getting the exact number of votes necessary to proceed and know one publicly knew what was going to happen till the last day. See avoidthebias.com for whole day debate and vote in the Senate.

Abortion Dr gets a little crazy on camera and excellent news video report done on the Dr

Related: Jill Stanek on CNSNews discusses the born alive infant protection act as 15-20,000 prolifers demonstrate in Paris.
Get 22weeks. Based on a true story. "A young woman is locked in the bathroom of an abortion clinic..."
Born Alive Infant lawsuite filed....
The mother of a baby ‘born alive’ and hidden on the roof of a Hialeah clinic tells her side of the story.
And label Born Alive Infant Protection Act

Governor of Texas says, "Time to make Tea Parties twice as big as what they were". How will the public option eliminate private health insurance leading to a government take over? "640,000" jobs created by stimulus package is mere propaganda?

Last Week in Review


Governor of Texas

Video: Texas Governor Rick Perry says "This administration...is interested in punishing Texas" and "Time to make Tea Parties twice as big as what they were" 

How the public option will lead to government ran health care

Excellent video illustrating in Basketball terms how the public option will eliminate private health insurance and lead to government ran insurance

"640,000" Jobs claimed by Recovery.gov mere propaganda?

California Republican Issa exposes 640,000 jobs created headline as mere propaganda in recent committee hearing

Jokes and Cartoons

Cartoon: How the House Health Care Bill Passed

Cartoon: No jailtime for late term abortions but jailtime if your caught without health care insurance 

Cartoon: Janet Napolitano's terrorist watch list

Joke: Behind the badge is a DEA agent



Without the blood and graphics Frank Pavone describes on YouTube an abortion at 3 months or less pregnant

Abortion Dr. accused of covering mouth of woman to muffle her screams as she has a change in mind on the abortion.


Capitalism is not what brought about our economic disaster actually the poor need capitalism. Poverty has dropped 64% from 1970 to 2006 despite increase of population.

Health Care

Video interview: Bart Stupak says, "They're not going to take it out, If they do, health care will not move forward" on the pro-life amendment in health care reform vs Pelosi 

Video: National Right to Life Legislative Director video interview at CSPAN discussing tax payer funding of abortion in health care reform

Moderate Republican Olympia Snowe who voted yes on the Baucus bill in the Senate Finance Committee is voting "no" for the Reid bill. Watch her excellent comments as to why here.

A yes vote tomorrow on the health care bill in the senate is a vote for passage of the bill!!! 


Video: Texas Governor Rick Perry says "This administration...is interested in punishing Texas" and "Time to make Tea Parties twice as big as what they were"

Pink slip campaign against Big Government has hit over 5 million Pink slips sent to Washington. Congressmen hold a news conference watch it here. 

Recovery.org at private sector own expense vs Recovery.gov at $84 million American tax payer expense. Who is doing a better job in accuracy on stimulus funding transparency?


Video: Attorney General Holder vs Family of 09/11 victims following a Senate Judiciary Committee Justice Department hearing on Guantanamo Bay Detainee's trial in NY 

Pink slip campaign against Big Government has hit over 5 million Pink slips sent to Washington. Congressmen hold a news conference watch it here.


In Europe a heated battle is waging between the EU and national sovereignty.

Faith based organization and Christian music band Hillsong United team up to help the poor in Peru

House of Lords in the UK accepts free speech clause in the UK gay hate crimes bill 

Liberal Media Bias

Video: Matt Lauer and Lou Dobbs talks about his resignation 



Arizona's private school tax credit scholarship program saved tax payers $44 to $186 million says Baylor University economics professor


Another California School District that will allow students to leave campus for condemns and abortions without parental notification but they still can't have an aspirin. 



400 Doctors from some 30 nations kick off the 6th International Medical Conference and document cases of healings thru prayer.


France rules that hospital is guilty for successfully reviving a newborh baby declared stillborn


Chinese study indicates women who have abortion have 17% higher breast cancer risk


Former Attacker Turned Movie Producer Releases Warner Brother Movie


Former Muslims turn Christian are released after 9 months of prison for not denying their faith yet their future remains uncertain


40 Muslims armed with machetes and clubs attack church in Uganda during service

First Amendment Case Victories

Pro-life student president president back on the job as College agrees after letter sent to officials that recall election violated state law.


For every person who loses their job to other nations, there are 30 who have lost their jobs for other  reasons

Health Care 

What do Maine and Massachusetts have to do with health care reform?

Why many are leaving left leaning AARP for conservative American Seniors?

CBO in the senate and now the non-partisan and independent Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Sevices the very agency in charge of running Medicare and Medicaid says health care costs will rise under House bill

The AMA endorses health care bill in the house giving an appearance that Dr's are for it but the AMA only represent some 15 percent of Dr's in the work force  


Unions are taking over the government making it even bigger at tax payers expense. For the first time there are more union workers working for the government than the private sector.

400 Doctors from some 30 nations kick off the 6th International Medical Conference and document cases of healings thru prayer.

Medical Doctors Confirm God's Miracles with Medical Data

International Christian Medical Conference under the Theme "Spirituality and Medicines" Brought 400 Doctors from 30 Nations

KIEV, Ukraine, Nov. 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- The 6th International Christian Medical Conference was held at President Hotel on October 30 and 31, 2009 under the auspices of Ukraine Organizing Committee of WCDN (World Christian Doctors Network), whose founder and board chairman is Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee, an evangelical pastor and the author of many Christian titles including "The Power of God"(978-1554522576).

Photo: The 6th International Christian Medical Conference

This 6th Conference was attended by 400 doctors and medical professionals from 30 nations including USA and Italy, and was featured by many medical doctors from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and many other Russian-speaking nations.

On October 30, the Conference was kicked off with the opening remarks by Dr. Mikhail Morgulis, President of Spiritual Diplomacy Movement Foundations and welcoming address by Dr. Gilbert Chae, President of World Christian Doctors Network, and it was followed by a special message by Dr. Jaerock Lee, Founder and Board Chairman of WCDN, presented in Video saying that "Now if you become a true disciple of Jesus Christ, you will not only heal many people's physical diseases but also heal and save their souls as well."

During the Conference, an Australian Doctor Irene Jacovou presented a healing case of a 68-year-old man, and this was the most outstanding case of healing presented. In 2003, he was diagnosed to have severe emphysema, asthma and alpha 1 anti- trypsin deficiency, and had a bilateral lung transplant and received immunosuppressive therapy. In 2008, he noticed a skin lesion on the top of the right shoulder, which was later found to be a malignant tumor. He was diagnosed with skin cancer and was surgically treated, but it recurred. In October, 2008, cancer cells metastasized to chest and lungs, and he was sentenced to live just a few months longer because of this cancer. In winter of that same year he attended a Christian healing prayer meeting and tumor regression started. All the tumors in his skin were gone through fervent prayers, and the CT scan showed that lung metastases disappeared.

A Ukrainian Doctor Larisa from Ukraine presented the case of healing on hepatitis C by prayer, and this was really confirmed as the person of the same case firsthand showed up and testified to his healing. Another Australian doctor Mieke Kuiper presented the case of healing of eclampsia and subarachnoid hemorrhage by prayer. Two Korean doctors presented the cases of healing of the infected cystic mass in the submandibular area and the retroperitoneal necrotizing fascitis due to perforated acute appendicitis, with scientific and medical data confirming the healing cases. In addition, the many cases of the healing of various diseases including schizophrenia, pancreonecrosis, and AIDS that cannot be cured with medicine but only by the power of God.

Whenever the healing cases were presented, the audience submitted various questions and the speakers gave sincere and effective answers, which made the conference exciting to the doctors and many other people in attendance.

Dr. Jenis av Rana from Faroe Islands commented, "I am running a radio station and our station broadcasts various works of God's healing every Thursday. When I am back home, I will let my staff introduce the healing cases presented during this conference and share them with as many listeners. Then, they will send their prayer requests for their problems to us."

And Dan Wooding, Founder and International Director of Assist News Ministry said, "At the same time that Ukrainian candidates are battling each other for votes in the upcoming Presidential election, Christian doctors gathering in Kiev, the country's capital for a 'Spirituality and Medicine' conference, have already cast their vote--for 'miracles.'"

WCDN (World Christian Doctors Network) was organized to medically analyze divine healing cases performed by God, clarify the data before and after the healing and testify with that data that God is alive and the Bible is authentic, and thereby to awaken not only unbelievers but intellectual people including medical doctors and scientists as well and has been holding annual international Christian medical conferences in Seoul of Korea, Chennai of India, Cebu City of the Philippines, Miami of USA, Trondheim of Norway and Kiev of Ukraine, and the 7th Conference will be held in Rome, Italy.


Christian Newswire

Former Attacker Turned Movie Producer Releases Warner Brother Movie

For more on the group that was attacked see video below and then article about the attacker turn movie producer's new movie and links.

Former Attacker Turned Movie Producer Releases Warner Brothers Movie

ASLAN International Ministries: Featured in a Warner Brothers Movie!

MEDIA ADVISORY, Nov. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Based on a true story involving the ASLAN team - former attacker turned movie producer - tells of "God's Message of Love" to Turkish people.

Pastor Ian Heringa, the Founder/Director of ASLAN International Ministries Turkey, has pioneered Turkish New Testament Distribution for 22 years, together with a team of local Turkish believers. With over half a million Turkish New Testaments distributed, he has been arrested and harassed by police and military over 55 times.

Below, Ian Heringa tells of the actual events depicted in the film:

"The attackers, with one sharp kick, sent the New Testament table and all the Turkish New Testaments flying. Our team of 20 people began to pray. In the volatile situation, the group of men began to shove me around."

"With God's compassion in my heart, in the face of all the hostility - I raised my voice over the angry shouts of the mob. I said, 'We love you. The New Testament that we are distributing is God's Message of Love to you.'"

The mob was disbursed by the police. That evening, the attack on the ASLAN team was on the TV news all over Turkey.

Afterwards, the ASLAN International team gathered around Pastor Ian's blood on the street, and prayed, "Lord, bring the Turkish people to Yourself through Your Message of Love."

"God's Message of Love to you." Those words would keep burning in the main attacker's heart. He told how he couldn't sleep, couldn't forget.

Two years later, a film crew arrived on the scene - the exact spot where Ian's blood was on the street and where the team prayed. The crew set up their equipment to film scenes of the Warner Brother movie. Actors poured out of vans, and began to take their places, as they reenact the main scene of the movie - the night of the attack on Pastor Ian Heringa and the ASLAN International Team.

Girdap - the Movie is a widely acclaimed Turkish movie released by Warner Brothers. The movie's producer is the same man who previously led a mob against the ASLAN International Ministries team, kicking over the bookstand as they distributed Turkish New Testaments on Christmas Eve.

The movie is based on a true story - the producer's own story. The words of God's Message of Love has prevailed!

Christian Newswire

Former Muslims turn Christian are released after 9 months of prison for not denying their faith yet their future remains uncertain

"Iranian Christians are celebrating the release of two former Muslims held in Tehran's Evin Prison for nearly nine months.

Maryam Rostampour, 27, and Marzieh Amirizadeh, 30, were released Wednesday without bail but are reported to be in poor health.

The Christian converts were arrested March 5 on charges of anti-state activity and "taking part in illegal gatherings" for their involvement in house church activities.

The women faced life imprisonment for apostasy, but refused to recant their Christian faith when ordered to do so during an August 9 hearing .

"We love Jesus," they told the judge. "Yes, we are Christians [and] we will not deny our faith."

Carl Moeller of Open Doors USA-- a group behind efforts to free the women-- warned the pair could still appear before a civilian court even though they have committed no crime under Iranian or international law.

He urged Christians to continue to pray for them while their fate remains "uncertain."

Faith based organization and Christian music band Hillsong United team up to help the poor in Peru

First is a video report from Band

LIMA//PERU from Hillsong United on Vimeo.

And one from CBNNews.com

40 Muslims armed with machetes and clubs attack church in Uganda during service

From the Christian Telegraph...

Muslims attack Christian worship service in Uganda

According to a November 10 report from Compass Direct, approximately 40 Muslims armed with machetes and clubs attacked the World Possessor's Church International in Namasuba, just outside the capital city of Kampala, Uganda, on November 1 while believers were holding a worship service, reports Voice of the Martyrs Canada. When the church members heard the Muslims outside, they gathered at the front door to try to prevent them from entering.

Some Christians were able to escape through the church's rear door. When the Muslims noticed one of the Christians taking photographs of them, they beat him severely. Nearby residents eventually arrived on scene and helped the Christians ward off their attackers. When police arrived, they assisted in stopping the assault but made no arrests.

Local Muslims have long opposed the existence of the church in Namasuba, complaining that church members try to convert Muslims in the area. They have also argued that the church building's outdoor stairway encroaches on the alley and that the church members make too much noise.

Many of the believers are reportedly too fearful to return to church and attendance for the worship service held the following Sunday decreased from 250 to 100 people. "Since the attack we have been receiving a lot of threats from the Muslims," said Pastor Henry Zaake. "There is a conspiracy that we can't understand. This trend really gives me sleepless nights."

Abortion Dr. accused of covering mouth of woman to muffle her screams as she has a change in mind on the abortion.

Hhere is a video of the Dr giving a speech at Wayne State University Medical Students discussing abortion.

Found this interesting case at ProLifeBlogs.com about an abortion Dr. Check out this complaint concerning below abortion Dr here. Apparently, somebody came to get an abortion and she changed her mind and then they muffle her screams and did the abortion anyways. Unbelievable charges but at the same time check out more on this Dr. And not to fail to mention to those who have been involved in abortion and even this Dr there is forgiveness available. See the Testimony of the very Roe of Roe v Wade after finding forgiveness in Christ for her sins. Once abortion activist now trying to reverse Roe v Wade for evidence of that.

Related: Two recent court victories against abortionists for woman's death and late-term abortionist suspension of license upheld
Rape victim comes forward since justice has yet to prevail....

Now to the recent article....

Hodari forced abortion suit alleges woman's mouth covered to muffle her screams

FLINT, MI, November 18, 2009/Christian Newswire --

A recently filed lawsuit against troubled abortionist Abraham Alberto Hodari alleging a horrific forced abortion may explain his recent efforts to sell off his abortion clinics.

On June 17, 2009, Caitlin Bruce filed a suit against Hodari and his assistant, "Victor", over an incident that took place at Hodari's Flint, MI, abortion clinic in April 2008. In that suit, Ms. Bruce alleges that she went to Hodari's clinic seeking an abortion, but before the procedure began, she changed her mind and decided against it. She notified Hodari that she no longer wanted the abortion.

However, Hodari and his assistant, Victor, forcibly restrained Ms. Bruce, holding her down. Ms. Bruce screamed "Stop, stop, I don't want this," but her mouth was covered to muffle her pleas while Hodari forced the abortion upon her.

Included in the suit are 6 counts against Hodari, including lack of informed consent/medical malpractice, battery, fraud, misrepresentation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and ethnic/gender intimidation.
Michigan has a statute that forbids intimidation based on gender or ethnicity. Ms. Bruce believes that Hodari forced the abortion on her because she is Black. Statistics show that the abortion industry disproportionately targets Black women.

"This man should be in jail," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "To avoid having to pay for his crimes, it looks like Hodari is trying to liquidate his assets, take the money, and run."

This is not the first incident of forced abortion for which Hodari has been accused. In February, former Hodari patient Jennifer McCoy came forward and told Operation Rescue of her 1988 abortion at age 16. McCoy never intended to get an abortion and was lured to Hodari's clinic under the false pretenses that she would be receiving her first obstetrical examination. Instead, Hodari forced an abortion on her. He then returned her to a 40-year old high school teacher who had fathered the baby in a relationship that qualified as statutory rape. McCoy attempted unsuccessfully to have Hodari criminally charged. (Read full story.)
"Over a twenty year period, we can only imagine how many times Hodari has done this to women. If we know of two, you can bet there were more that we don't know about," said Newman. "It is one depraved man that could do that to women."

Hodari was placed on probation in February for illegally dumping medical records. In March, he was fined a mere $10,000 for his part in the death of Regina Johnson. Hodari has been involved in at least three additional abortion deaths.

"Over the years, Michigan authorities have continually covered for Hodari's criminal actions. They bear some responsibility for the abuse suffered by women because they know Hodari is a menace, but have done nothing to stop him," said Newman.

READ THE COMPLAINT (Special thanks to Judy Climer of Flint Right to Life who provided Operation Rescue with the court documents.)

About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006. From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre- born in obedience to biblical mandates.

Breaking News: Blanche Lincoln Democrat from Arkansas will likely be the deciding vote for passage of Senate Health Care bill to be allowed to come to the floor for further debate.

According to The Hill and CSPAN Lieberman, Nelson, Landrieu have made statements that they will vote "yes" for the Senate Health Care bill to come to the floor. This leaves one last uncommitted vote needed for the bill to come to the floor for further debate. This is Blanche Lincoln Democrat from Arkansas. All will hinge on her vote as to whether or not this bill will be enabled to proceed on the Senate floor.

A Lincoln is about to speak on the floor. Not sure if this is her or not. Watch debate and vote on Senate Health Care bill live right now!!

Update 11/21/2009: 12:32 pm. Blanche Lincoln says she will vote "yes". It appears the procedural vote will pass to begin debate and amendments on Senate Health Care bill. So unless somebody defects in the next 4 and a half hours it is likely they will bring the bill to the floor for further debate.

Moderate Republican Olympia Snowe who voted yes on the Baucus bill in the Senate Finance Committee is voting "no" for the Reid bill. Watch her excellent comments as to why here.

Olympia Snowe makes some great comments concerning the way this bill is coming to the floor and why she is going to vote "no". Watch debate and vote on Senate Health Care bill live right now!! till later into tonight.

Joke: Behind the badge is a DEA agent

From WND.com....

A DEA agent stops at a ranch in Texas and talks with an old rancher. He tells the rancher, "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs." The rancher points and says, "Okay, but do not go in that field over there."

The DEA agent verbally explodes: "Mister, I have the authority of the federal government behind me." Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removes his badge and proudly displays it to the rancher. "See this badge? This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish ... on any land. No questions asked or answers given. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand?"

The rancher nods politely, apologizes and goes about his chores. A short time later, the old rancher hears loud screams and sees the DEA agent running for his life while being chased by the rancher's prize bull.

With every step the bull is gaining ground on the officer, and it seems likely that he'll get "horned" before he reaches safety. The officer is clearly terrified. The rancher throws down his tools, runs to the fence and yells at the top of his lungs:

"Your badge! Show him your BADGE!"

Arizona's private school tax credit scholarship program saved tax payers $44 to $186 million says Baylor University economics professor

And probably got a much safer and better education with values consistent with those of the parents.

Ariz. private-school tax-credit scholarship program saved the state up to $186 million

Arizona Republic: “A Baylor University economics professor told lawmakers on Monday that Arizona’s private-school tax-credit scholarship program saved the state $44 million to $186 million last year.”

Hat tip to the Center for Arizona Policy which also provides this information: “Dr. North presented his analysis of the scholarship program to a committee of the House of Representatives on Monday at CAP’s request. You can read Dr. North’s report here and watch video of his testimony at the hearing.”

France rules that hospital is guilty for successfully reviving a newborh baby declared stillborn

French Judge Finds Hospital Guilty of "Unreasonable Obstinacy" in Saving Newborn's Life

By Patrick B. Craine

ORANGE, France, November 16, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A hospital in the south of France has been found guilty of taking excessive measures when they successfully revived a newborn baby that had been declared stillborn. The case was brought by the parents, who are seeking 500,000 euros in damages.

The baby was born in an Orange hospital on December 14, 2002. The baby's heartbeat had dropped during delivery, and the baby seemed to be dead upon birth. After twenty-five minutes of attempted resuscitation, the gynecologist informed the parents that the baby was dead, but staff continued their efforts and the heartbeat returned. The baby has since suffered severe mental and physical disabilities due to the trauma.

The parents' lawyer, Alexandre Berteigne, told lepoint.fr that he was pleased with the decision, which he says is unprecedented in France. "For the first time, a tribunal recognizes that a life without consciousness is not a life," he said. He accused the hospital of having "forced to revive a child."

The judge's ruling, laid down in June, but not revealed until last week, states that hospital staff had been overly aggressive in their attempts to save the child's life. "By acting this way without taking into account the highly probable harmful consequences for the child," the verdict states, "the doctors demonstrated unreasonable obstinacy ... that constituted a medical error of a nature which engages the responsibility of the Orange hospital."

According to Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, and an advocate for those with disabilities, the decision could have far-reaching consequences for children born with various anomalies. If the decision is taken seriously, he said, "it will once again dehumanize people born with disabilities, to the point where their lives will be considered incompatible with life."

"The judge should have said that while the ethics of [the extraordinary measures] might be questionable," Schadenberg said. "... now that that child is alive, we cannot question this."

"If someone is alive, it should simply be deemed that their life is worthy of life, and we should not be judging that life as having value or somehow being a life that should not have happened," he continued. "Being alive should be enough."

Cartoon: How the House Health Care Bill Passed

As the Senate will vote to pass the health care bill tonight or not see A yes vote tomorrow on the health care bill in the senate is a vote for passage of the bill!!! with a little comic relief lets remember how the House health care bill passed. :) Found this video at JillStanek.com.

Related: Planned Parenthood CEO on the House Health Care reform bill passage: "While there are some who are satisfied...I am not one of them"
House avoids one major hangup to health care reform and bill passes WITHOUT tax payer funding of abortions and Republicans win two Governor elections
The Two Hang Ups currently blocking passage of health care reform: one in the House and one in the Senate
Video: House Republicans spend over an hour discussing tax payer funding of abortion in PelosiCare

Pro-life student president back on the job as College agrees after letter sent to officials that recall election violated state law.

This is an update to Student president faces removal after allowing free speech on campus on Consitution Day

To see the possible display that was in dispute at below college that the University of CA at Berkely allowed see Genocide Awareness Project hits liberal University of CA at Berkely with disturbing yet powerful images and comments

Sacramento student body president back on the job after ADF letter to college officials

College agrees that recall election violated state law, but student government seeking to impeach him anyway

Friday, November 13, 2009

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Sacramento City College’s Associated Student Government agreed Thursday to vacate its “suspension” of the student body president after he was subjected to an illegal recall election for refusing to censor a pro-life group’s display on campus. Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund Center for Academic Freedom representing Steve Macias issued a cease-and-desist letter to college officials on Nov. 5.

Unsatisfied, some ASG members have begun impeachment proceedings against Macias in the wake of the failed recall.

“Respecting people’s First Amendment rights is worthy of praise, not punishment,” said ADF Litigation Staff Counsel David Hacker. “The recall election against Steve was wrongly motivated and flawed. The entire process against him began because he stood up for the free speech rights of a pro-life group. In their haste to punish him for that stand, ASG members did not follow the law. Though we are pleased that they recognize this problem and reinstated Steve as president, we are disappointed with the ongoing and apparently relentless attempt to punish him by seeking to impeach him from office.”

Macias informed ADF attorneys that he refused to censor a pro-life group’s display on the grounds that ASG had already approved the group to participate in the school’s Constitution Day and that censoring them would violate the group’s First Amendment rights. ASG then subjected him to a recall election.

An attorney for the school has informed ADF attorneys that Macias will retain his office and that the recall election results are void because the election was not conducted in a manner consistent with state law. However, on Nov. 2, the ASG Judicial Branch reportedly received an application form to impeach Macias because the election had failed to remove him from office.

“We believe this is a baseless and discriminatory attempt to silence the voice of the opposition through whatever means possible. ADF will continue to monitor Steve’s situation,” Hacker said.

  • Web site of the ADF Center for Academic Freedom, which defends religious freedom at America’s public universities.

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