Praise God...
"No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him..."-John 6:44
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Rep James Lankford has become one of VVN's favorite freshman representatives in this 2011 congress. Here is James in his first weekly address this week. After you watch below videos check out James Lankford's most excellent pro-life speech on the House floor being his first House floor debate speech at Video: Watch Freshman Rep. James Lankford give an excellent pro-life and debut speech on the House floor and then his excellent rebuttal on the House floor as a Democrat points to the Clinton administration and the balanced budget in the 90's at Watch James Lankford (R) destroy the argument that under the Clinton administration the budget was balanced and also see Video: James Lankford in debate over the Republican budget on the House floor
Here is well known Christian music artist in a sense endorsing James Lankford for congress before his win in November.
Here is a concert to benefit James Lankford that Christ Tomlin and others did.
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One of VVN's favorite and Huckabee's favorite see Huckabee 2012?: Huckabee interviews one of his favorites in Paul Ryan and talks about the tidal wave of debt
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I Ditto Kevin's comments on Huckabee!!! I totally agree...
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For genuine Christians that do believe that we should be good stewards of the earth but not to the extreme of violating God's laws with abortion and alternative families and anti-faith means Zo does qualify this message with a quick sentence toward the end. So relax and enjoy.
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Just some mental notes on the book of Hebrews.
The writer of the book of Hebrews takes 4 passages from the Old Testament to prove the below points. The passages are from Psalm 110:4 (to set up the argument for a new priesthood), Exodus 25:40 (to show that the earthly tabernacle served as a copy of the heavenly), Jeremiah 31:31-34 (to show that God did prophesy of a New Covenant), Exodus 24:8 (to show that the shedding of blood was necessary even under the first covenant) and Psalm 40:6-8 (to show that the first covenant is taken away by the offering of Jesus' body that is the establishment of the new covenenant).
Now the writer of the book of Hebrews prefaces this section of Hebrews from chapter 7-10 with Hebrews 6:1: "Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection...".
I would encourage a full read of Hebrews for more in detail of what that means as I myself am trying to understand but below are clearly part of that going on to perfection.
The First Covenant under the Levitical Priesthood, the Law and the Earthly Temple
"the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary"-9:1
"fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation"-9:10
"there are priests who offer the gifts according to the law; who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things"-8:4,5
"the holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true"-9:24
"the law, having a shadow of the good things to come"-10:1
The New Covenant under the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Changed Law and the Heavenly Temple
"In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away"-8:13
"if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second"-8:7
"if perfection were through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law), what further need was there that another priest should rise according to the order of Melchizedek, and not be called according to the order of Aaron?"-7:11
"For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law."-7:12
"For on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its weakness and unprofitableness, for the law made nothing perfect; on the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God."-7:18,19
"Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant....because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood."-7:22,24
"Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation."-9:11
"He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance."-9:15
"For Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.."-9:24
"a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh"-Hebrews 10:20
So clearly the earthly temple is no longer necessary and actually in God's economy has been done away with. We as Jews or Christians should be looking to Christ as our high priest and not any Levites or earthly temple. It is interesting that this book is called Hebrews for this is an excellent argument especially in context of the days in which it was written when this new covenant was being laid out and explained that was promised in the prophets and elsewhere.
Now if we head further down the road in Hebrews in Chapter 11 we read of a Heavenly City in the list of the faithful.
"he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God"-11:10
"they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them."-11:16
"all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us."-11:39,40
"we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses"-12:1
"you have not come to the mountain that may be touched"-12:18 (Speaking of Mount Sinai where the law and the levitical priesthood and all that pertains to the first covenant came from)
"But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel."-12:22-24
Will add more later like Galatians and the contrast between the heavenly Jerusalem and earthly Jerusalem.
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Also see Gallup: America evenly divided on Obama's plan vs Republican plan to reduce the deficit but favor Republicans to handle budget over Democrats in congress
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Gallup: America evenly divided on Obama's plan vs Republican plan to reduce the deficit but favor Republicans to handle budget over Democrats in congress
Labels: PollsFrom Gallup....
"Forty-four percent prefer the Democratic plan proposed by President Barack Obama, while 43% say Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's plan is better."
"The same USA Today/Gallup survey, conducted April 20-23, finds Republicans holding a significant edge over Democrats in public perceptions of which party would do the better job of dealing with the federal budget. Nearly half of Americans, 48% prefer the Republicans in Congress on this question, while 36% favor the Democrats in Congress."
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Finally President Obama releases his birth certificate and no thanks to Trump rather a story of "We the people..."
Labels: Obama WatchThis could have been done a long time ago. Now that it is over two years later many will wonder why he spent so much money to keep this information from the public and why hadn't he released it earlier? And understandably so. The answer from our President is that there are pressing issues now and he doesn't want this to be a distraction. Which is fair enough but weren't there pressing issues during his campaign and afterwards. What a waste of time and issue when this could have been dealt with well before now.
I don't praise Trump for this victory. I am glad that somebody in the limelight got it out in the open but really it is "We the people..." that should be thanked for continually asking the question even through being called racists and the worst kinds of names. "We the people..." got the President to release his certificate not Trump. Trump is but a part of the puzzle of "We the people..." that demanded our President to release his birth certificate.
VVN's most popular post of all time is changes hospital of Obama's birth 90 minutes after WND.COM article but has no conclusive evidence of correction according to Wikipedia. with almost 16000 hits. You combine all the other "small business" bloggers and sites like WND.COM this issue was kept alive not by Trump but many concerned citizens. You can thank "We the people..." for this victory. By the way VVN stayed away from conspiracy theories and stuck with the facts. As you will note by all the links in the above link.
Here is Obama's press statement about the birth certificate.
And here is what has been demanded for release for over two years going on three now.
Now I understand this may not settle the issue for many and we shouldn't be blindly believing everything we see on the internet but this is a step that our President should have taken a long time ago and it clearly is a step in the right direction in transparency. And for that we must give credit to our President.
Now let "We the people..." have at it and make up their own decisions and see what comes about all this. VVN will continue to report the facts if anything else arises out of this issue.
I hope this is the last post VVN will have to post on this issue but in all fairness and objective journalism VVN will remain open. Again for an excellent history of this issue see VVN's most popular post of all time is changes hospital of Obama's birth 90 minutes after WND.COM article but has no conclusive evidence of correction according to Wikipedia.
Update (minutes later): The image of certificate I found at CNN.
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Exactly. Also see Video: Eat the Rich. Found this at
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Here is Paul Ryan's response to Obama's speech and then weighs in.
Now from in an article titled The president went too far in his critique of the House Republicans' deficit-reduction plan.
Here is the summary of the article:
President Barack Obama misrepresented the House Republicans’ budget plan at times and exaggerated its impact on U.S. residents during an April 13 speech on deficit reduction.- Obama claimed the Republicans’ "Path to Prosperity" plan would cause "up to 50 million Americans … to lose their health insurance.” But that worst-case figure is based in part on speculation and assumptions.
- He said the GOP plan would replace Medicare with "a voucher program that leaves seniors at the mercy of the insurance industry." That’s an exaggeration. Nothing would change for those 55 and older. Those younger would get federal subsidies to buy private insurance from a Medicare exchange set up by the government.
- He said "poor children," "children with autism" and "kids with disabilities" would be left "to fend for themselves." That, too, is an exaggeration. The GOP says states would have "freedom and flexibility to tailor a Medicaid program that fits the needs of their unique populations." It doesn’t bar states from covering those children.
- He repeated a deceptive talking point that the new health care law will reduce the deficit by $1 trillion. That’s the Democrats’ own estimate over a 20-year period. The Congressional Budget Office pegged the deficit savings at $210 billion over 10 years and warned that estimates beyond a decade are "more and more uncertain."
- He falsely claimed that making the Bush tax cuts permanent would give away "$1 trillion worth of tax cuts for every millionaire and billionaire." That figure — which is actually $807 billion over 10 years — refers to tax cuts for individuals earning more than $200,000 and couples earning more than $250,000, not just millionaires and billionaires.
- He said the tax burden on the wealthy is the lowest it has been in 50 years. But the most recent nonpartisan congressional analysis showed that the average federal tax rate for high-income taxpayers was lower in 1986.
Found cartoon at video and h/t on to GatewayPundit.
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One of the best pro-life songs ever. Excellent video of the story of John Newton. In the 90's under Clinton the budget was balanced so why should one trust Republicans to balance the budget?
Labels: Week in ReviewHeadlines
John Newton
Video: The story of John Newton with documentation told by Brian Edwards
One of the best pro-life songs ever written
Video: King's X "Legal Kill". One of the best pro-life songs ever
In the 90's under Clinton the budget was balanced why should one trust Republicans to balance the budget now?
Watch James Lankford (R) destroy the argument that under the Clinton administration the budget was balanced also see Video: Paul Ryan on Face the Nation and Charlie Rose show about the budget and response to Obama and Video: Huckabee responds to Obama's response to the Republican Budget
Cartoon: US credit rating down graded
Election Watch
Gary Johnson: I believe in a woman's right to choose
Planned Parenthood
Video: Abby Johnson in new commercial for defunding Planned Parenthood
Sandy Springs, Georgia: A successfull story of localism and the people taking back their city with people solutions
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Very interesting 4 part video from The Christian Institute's YouTube channel out of the UK.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Gary Johnson at 1:40 into the video from He has become the first to announce his run for Presidency but he will be the first to be written off. You can't win the Republican primary and be proudly pro-choice. And for the sake of the unborn and the men and women who have been hurt by that choice I thank God for that.
Also see Video: Abby Johnson in new commercial for defunding Planned Parenthood and Video: Why responsible Americans need to elect a new responsible President in 2012? and One nation under God and what does it matter? and Cartoons and charts exposing economic consequences for America's straying from our "In God we trust" roots and label American Remembrance.
"America needs God more than God needs America, If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under."
"Abraham Lincoln once said, "I would be the most foolish person on this footstool earth if I believed for one moment that I could perform the duties assigned to me without the help of one who is wiser than all." I know that in the days to come and the years ahead there are going to be many times when there will only be one set of footprints in my life. If I did not believe that, I could not face the days ahead."
-Ronald Reagan
Without God it doesn't matter which candidate is running up against Obama. 2012 is truly a tipping point in America.
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One of the best Pro-life songs ever written. Legal Kill by King's X with lyrics below.
only know what i believe
the rest is so absurd to me
i close my eyes so i cant see
but the picture just gets clearer everyday
i read somewhere to learn is to remember
and ive learned we all forgot
there was peace in her before
but that was yesterday
but i can see the beauty that is here for me
the chance to live and walk free
from a legal kill
i know your side so very well
it makes no sense that i can tell
the smell of hell is what i smell
and you hand it out with handshakes everyday
i have trouble with the persons with the signs
but i feel the need to make my own
yes there are two ways to be
and truth does not depend on me
but i can feel the fight for life is always real
i cant believe its no big deal
its a legal kill
For those that need that peace back check out Testimony of the very Roe of Roe v Wade after finding forgiveness in Christ for her sins. Once abortion activist now trying to reverse Roe v Wade
Here are a couple of other songs from the same album. And to listen to most of the songs off this thought provoking album and others by the same band click .
ive been in tears
ive been the clown
ive had my doubts
what if im wrong
ive been in love
then maybe not
i crossed my heart
and then forgot
i read the story
that you died
i turned the page
you were alive
with hope and love
but mostly faith
one day ill see you face to face
everywhere i go i see you there ah...
Christ makes all things new!!!
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Video: Abby Johnson in new commercial for defunding Planned Parenthood
Labels: Abby Johnson, Pro-Life
Also see Video: Abby Johnson ex-Planned Parenthood Director speaks at kick off event for 40 days for life and Testimony of the very Roe of Roe v Wade after finding forgiveness in Christ for her sins. Once abortion activist now trying to reverse Roe v Wade
One of the best Pro-life songs ever written. Legal Kill by King's X with lyrics below.
only know what i believe
the rest is so absurd to me
i close my eyes so i cant see
but the picture just gets clearer everyday
i read somewhere to learn is to remember
and ive learned we all forgot
there was peace in her before
but that was yesterday
but i can see the beauty that is here for me
the chance to live and walk free
from a legal kill
i know your side so very well
it makes no sense that i can tell
the smell of hell is what i smell
and you hand it out with handshakes everyday
i have trouble with the persons with the signs
but i feel the need to make my own
yes there are two ways to be
and truth does not depend on me
but i can feel the fight for life is always real
i cant believe its no big deal
its a legal kill
For those that need that peace back check out Testimony of the very Roe of Roe v Wade after finding forgiveness in Christ for her sins. Once abortion activist now trying to reverse Roe v Wade
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Also see Video: Why responsible Americans need to elect a new responsible President in 2012? and One nation under God and what does it matter? and Cartoons and charts exposing economic consequences for America's straying from our "In God we trust" roots and label American Remembrance.
"America needs God more than God needs America, If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under."
"Abraham Lincoln once said, "I would be the most foolish person on this footstool earth if I believed for one moment that I could perform the duties assigned to me without the help of one who is wiser than all." I know that in the days to come and the years ahead there are going to be many times when there will only be one set of footprints in my life. If I did not believe that, I could not face the days ahead."
-Ronald Reagan
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Values Voter News can be accessed on your mobile phone with ease see Get Values Voter News on your Blackberry, iPhone, Droid or other mobile phones
Video: Paul Ryan on Face the Nation and Charlie Rose show about the budget and response to Obama
Labels: Paul Ryan
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Sandy Springs, Georgia: A successfull story of localism and the people taking back their city with people solutions
What a great story of the people taking the responsibility and relying upon the people to run a city. Instead of becoming more dependent upon the government of this city the government is relying upon the people of the city for their success. What a wonderful story of self government and localism (the local people knowing what's best for their community and doing something about it rather than pawning the responsibility off to non-local control).
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Watch James Lankford (R) destroy the argument that under the Clinton administration the budget was balanced
Labels: Debates, James LankfordWatch in below video Democrat Richard Neal make a convincing argument but then watch Republican James Lankford destroy it. This was in the context of the debate over the Repulican budget in the House last week. Also see President Obama points us in the right direction as he answers the question: Why should Americans trust Democrats to reduce government spending and debt?
I would just like to add that under the Democrat rule of the congress from 2006 to 2010 some 6 trillion of our 14 trillion of debt was added to the debt. Really both parties are at fault it is just that one party raises the debt much faster than the other and it appears that only one party today is taking the lead on this issue.
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Reagan: It's not enough to depend on our own courage and goodness.. Donald Trump gave $50,000 to help elect Rahm Emanuel as mayor in Chicago. Huckabee and Obama still tied as second poll confirms
Labels: Week in ReviewHeadline
Reagan on courage and goodness
Reagan: It's not enough to depend on our own courage and goodness...
Huckabee vs Obama
Video: Huckabee on Fox News Sunday
Donald Trump no way
New York Times: Donald Trump gave $50,000 to help elect Rahm Emanuel as mayor in Chicago
Video: Debate of two key players on the issue same sex marriage from both sides
Video: Easter ad banned in California cinemas because it mentions the word Jesus.
GOP Watch
Video: Rand Paul from the Senate floor over the Federal Budget
Video: Tim Scott defending the Republican budget on the House floor
Video: James Lankford in debate over the Republican budget on the House floor
Video: Governor Scott Walker in recent House hearing
FY 2011 budget deal includes cuts to International Family Planning by $73 million
We the People won on this budget deal when taken in context of last year and last year's elections
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"It is not enough to depend on our own courage and goodness we must also seek help from God our Father and Preserver"-Ronald Reagan.
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Video: Debate of two key players on the issue same sex marriage from both sides
Labels: Same Sex MarriageExcellent civil debate on the issue of same sex marriage. Also see label Ex-Gay Testimonies.
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Excellent. Watch it all the way through....
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VVN has been following Tim Scott and he spoke some 4 times on the House floor yesterday according to CSPAN and here are two of those times. For why VVN has been following this freshman check out Video: Tea Party backed African American soon to be congressman Tim Scott speaks about Values and Race.
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Video: James Lankford in debate over the Republican budget on the House floor
Labels: James LankfordAccording to CSPAN James Lankford spoke some 4 times on the House floor yesterday. I thought I would highlight these two speeches in debate. VVN has been following Lankford since this excellent pro-life speech on the House floor some months back Video: Watch Freshman Rep. James Lankford give an excellent pro-life and debut speech on the House floor.
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New York Times: Donald Trump gave $50,000 to help elect Rahm Emanuel as mayor in Chicago
Labels: Election WatchUnbelievable. New York Times article titled The One-Man Political Machine (02/17/2011) stated that Donald Trump gave a $50,000 contribution to help elect Obama's former Chief of Staff as mayor of Chicago:
"Many of his biggest contributors live outside Chicago. He received large checks from New York (the financiers Roger Altman, Ronald Perelman and Donald Trump each gave $50,000); Silicon Valley ($50,000 from Steve Jobs); and especially Southern California, where Emanuel’s brother, Ari, a powerful Hollywood agent, raised money on his behalf. David Geffen gave $100,000, Steven Spielberg $75,000."
He is claiming to be pro-life, faith, family and limited government when he supported Rahm Emanuel as mayor in Chicago as late as this year. Trump may have been changed from pro-choice to pro-life some years ago but it clearly it wasn't an epiphany enough. He may believe that Obama is taking us down the wrong road but apparently he is not that far off Obama's road with a donation of the likes as late in the game is this one must have been. Rahm was elected mayor of Chicago in February 22nd of this year and began his run for mayor about 6 months ago on 10/01/2010. So this donation from Trump would have had to have been in the last 6 months.
HT in article titled Trump claims pro-life conversion ‘years’ ago - despite endorsing Hillary Clinton
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Get to the end as he defends his record as Governor in Arkansas which many critics use against Huckabee.
Also see Rasmussen 2012 poll shows Huckabee and Obama tied at this point. (04/12/2011) and Latest Poll: Huckabee 46% Obama 46% (03/31/2011) and note: "Among the all important Independents Huckabee takes out Obama by a score of 49% to 40% while Mitt Romney again looses by a point to Obama amongst Independents by a score of 45% to 44%."
Also see Video: Huckabee on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart a respectful conversation and Huckabee on True Self Government a theme of his recent book which has been #2 on a New York Times best seller list for the last two weeks and running
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Update: Here are the actual numbers which I found at
* Huckabee – 43%
* Obama – 43%
* Romney Obama – 45%
* Obama Romney – 40%
* Obama – 42%
* Paul – 34%
* Obama – 42%
* Barbour – 34%
* Obama – 45%
* Pawlenty – 35%
* Obama – 48%
* Palin – 38%
* Obama – 42%
* Huntsman – 31%
* Obama – 49%
* Gingrich – 37%
* Obama – 45%
* Daniels – 32%
* Obama – 43%
* Cain – 25%
Rasmussen just released this result in article titled Election 2012: Obama Between 42% and 49% Against All Republicans Tested
"The numbers show that Mike Huckabee runs even with Obama at this point. Mitt Romney, who just formally entered the race, trails the president by five, 45% to 40%. Others who trail by single digits include Ron Paul and Haley Barbour. Candidates trailing by double digits include Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Mitch Daniels, Herman Cain and Jon Huntsman."
Unfortunately we can't get the actual results unless we are Platinum Members so click on link above for more on that.
This is a second poll in less than a month that shows Huckabee even with Obama. For the first back on March 31st see Latest Poll: Huckabee 46% Obama 46%. In that poll it showed that Among the all important Independents Huckabee takes out Obama by a score of 49% to 40% while Mitt Romney again looses by a point to Obama amongst Independents by a score of 45% to 44%.
Two other recent polls show Trump up in the Republican primary polls. A NBC/WSJ showed Romney with 21% and Huckabee and Trump with 17%. But just today CNN released a poll showing Huckabee and Trump at 19% while Romney is down at 11%. Now each poll has different ways of asking questions, of who they are asking questions and demographics. Click on links to see the differences.
I do not like Trump at all. Especially after he said he might run as an Independent if he did not win the Republican primary. This would definitely hurt his cause in getting Obama out of office and the Republican cause of the same. Reminds me of Ross Perot with Clinton and Bush Sr. This is dangerous and for him to even suggest it gives reason to beware of Trump.
A good note in the recent CNN poll to end with is that they also asked those polled who they would like to see run regardless of who they support and Huckabee received the highest score at 72% and Trump received the second lowest score next to Palin of 56% and for good reason. Most don't believe he has a chance to beat Obama but can only divide up the votes necessary to beat Obama. This is why many do not want to see Palin run.
This is one of the many reasons why I like Huckabee it appears he can unite many of the differences in the Republican party and even the Independents as revealed in the recent poll as noted above by a score of 49% to 40% over Obama. See Huckabee sweeps Romney and Palin amongst Moderate, Conservative and Tea Party Republicans in latest CNN poll. Not to fail to mention that Huckabee continues to do the best up against Obama and consistently has the lowest unfavorable scores or negative scores as you compare most all negative scores across the board in most all the polls which further shows that he is the least divisive of those in the group which will be important when going up against Obama with a billion dollar campaign budget.
And lastly you have to win in the key states like Florida and Huckabee is beating Obama in Florida by a 5 point margin while Trump is down by 8% in Florida. So keep those key states in mind also. For those recent results click here.
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Found this from Boehner's blog here...
"In addition, the agreement slashes funding for Title X of the Public Health Service Act by $17 million, and international family planning by $73 million, including a $15 million cut to the United Nations Population Fund."
So not only are American tax payers saved from having to fund abortions in DC and we get an up or down vote on defunding Planned Parenthood in the Senate but there are cuts to well known pro-choice international family planning and the UN Population Fund which is largely pro-choice and some to the Title X which I believe is the Title under which Planned Parenthood gets its funding.
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Video: Easter ad banned in California cinemas because it mentions the word Jesus.
Labels: CaliforniaUnbelievable... Is there such a word as Christianophobia? Oh yeah and this is so offensive!!! Being sarcastic of course. An advertising company can choose its own policy on what they will advertise and what they will not but it sure makes them look overly PC.
This from The Christian Institute in article titled Video: US Easter ad banned for mentioning Jesus
"...The ad agency said it has a policy of rejecting ads featuring religious figures and remarked some cinemagoers might be offended by such an ad.....The agency, NCM Media Networks, have a number of restrictions on the adverts it will show including curbs on nudity, alcohol and gambling.
The agency said they maintain sole discretion over what commercials they accept and that the church were given “the opportunity to revise its ad accordingly”.
However Pastor Farabez said the proposed revision of the ad included only advertising the last frame, which stated where and when the service would take place. Everything else would have been cut.
Pastor Farabez said: “They told us the ad was great, it looked nice. It’s just that we couldn’t put the name of Jesus in the ad.”......."
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Update 04/13/2011: Gallup poll proves it was a win for the American voter. Finally a Government deal that is backed by the American voter. See Americans Back Budget Deal but Declare No Winner
If it weren't for the 2010 elections of the American people taking back their Government I do not believe we would have gotten what we got in the deal struck in the 11th hour. Consider this:
We forced congress to earn their pay on passing this budget in the 11th hour that was suppose to be passed last year. They struck a bi-partisan deal and we got historic cuts and got American tax payers out of funding abortions in DC. This was a budget that even under a one party ruled House, Senate and White House couldn't get passed last year. Now under a divided Government "We the people..." with the newly elected Republican House come in and take the lead and get it done. Excellent victory for the American people especially compared to last year...ELECTIONS DO HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!! Read more below and click on link to get Jill Stanek and Huckeabee's view. Now for the real fights: the debt limit and the 2012 budget!!!
Here is Jill Stanek and Huckabee on the budget compromise
Here is my thanks to Boehner for getting what he got out of the deal and not forgetting the pro-life issues:
"Thank you Boehner for keeping the discussion going to the last moment and not allowing a Government Shut Down which I believe would have hurt our shared goals of debt and deficit reduction and life for the long run. By a score of 58-33 Americans wanted a compromise over a shut down and it appears that you got the best you could. 39 or 78 billion in cuts depending on what you're baseline is that being the Obama proposal or I believe last year's budget. You kept the American people engaged in the debate over budgeting and cuts. By taking it to the last hour and compromising you kept the debate open in dramatic fashion over an issue that is in dire need of debate and grown up conversation. I am pro-life and am thankful that you fought for the vote and debate in the Senate on Planned Parenthood to keep that issue before the American people as long as possible and to put "pro-life" Democrats in the hot seat. Thank you for getting the American tax payer out of the business of funding abortion in DC. And for that may God richly bless your strategy and give you the wisdom you need to do your job in THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE. Considering you were going up against the Senate and the White House I believe God has already blessed your work and when you protect American tax payers from being forced to pay for abortions I have reason to believe in further future blessings from God on our leaders like yourself and on the American People. Thank you and may God bless you....I have reason to praise God. I bet the Dems are kicking themselves for not passing a budget last year now!!! :)."
Found image above from WallBuilders....
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GOP gets Americans out of funding abortions in DC and get historic cuts after compromise with the ever difficult Senate who couldn't even pass the budget last year.
Labels: Week in Review
Congress earned their pay on passing this budget that was suppose to be passed last year. They struck a bi-partisan deal and we got historic cuts and got American tax payers out of funding abortions in DC. This was a budget that even under a one party ruled House, Senate and White House couldn't get passed last year. Now under a divided Government "We the people..." with the newly elected Republican House come in and take the lead and get it done. Excellent victory for the American people especially compared to last year...ELECTIONS DO HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!! Read more below and click on link to get Jill Stanek and Huckeabee's view. Now for the real fights: the debt limit and the 2012 budget!!!
Jill Stanek and Huckabee on the budget compromise
Here is my thanks to Boehner for getting what he got out of the deal and not forgetting the pro-life issues:
"Thank you Boehner for keeping the discussion going to the last moment and not allowing a Government Shut Down which I believe would have hurt our shared goals of debt and deficit reduction and life for the long run. By a score of 58-33 Americans wanted a compromise over a shut down and it appears that you got the best you could. 39 or 78 billion in cuts depending on what you're baseline is that being the Obama proposal or I believe last year's budget. You kept the American people engaged in the debate over budgeting and cuts. By taking it to the last hour and compromising you kept the debate open in dramatic fashion over an issue that is in dire need of debate and grown up conversation. I am pro-life and am thankful that you fought for the vote and debate in the Senate on Planned Parenthood to keep that issue before the American people as long as possible and to put "pro-life" Democrats in the hot seat. Thank you for getting the American tax payer out of the business of funding abortion in DC. And for that may God richly bless your strategy and give you the wisdom you need to do your job in THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE. Considering you were going up against the Senate and the White House I believe God has already blessed your work and when you protect American tax payers from being forced to pay for abortions I have reason to believe in further future blessings from God on our leaders like yourself and on the American People. Thank you and may God bless you....I have reason to praise God. I bet the Dems are kicking themselves for not passing a budget last year now!!! :)."
Here are a few other posts leading up to the deal Video: Eric Cantor gets a standing ovation and the House sounded more like UK's parliament yesterday and Joint statement by Boehner and Reid on Budget meeting and negotiations and Video: Boehner on GMA and Video: James Lankford on the House floor concerning the extreme House budget
Here are some links about the up and coming budget debates for 2012 Obama Budget vs House Budget side by side and Paul Ryan's speech at AEI and Video and Graph: The GOP Path to Prosperity
Michael W Smith and Brian Welch with Huckabee gets you into the faith side of the NCAA Final Four
Video: Tax the rich to pay off the deficit.
Video report: 40 Days for Life
Same Sex Marriage
Same Sex Marriage failing in Rhode Island as it already failed in Maryland
Wisconsin Election Results: Found local video of news conference revealing 7582 more votes for Prosser
Video: Huckabee on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart a respectful conversation
Rand Paul
Video: Rand Paul speech in Iowa (30 minutes)
Supreme Court
Video: Wal Mart v Dukes oral arguments before the Supreme Court
Obama Watch
Video: Obama's first campaign video for 2012 from
Values Voter News Stats
Values Voter News stats for March 2011
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VVN agrees with Jill Stanek and Huckabee
From a fiscally conservative perspective it appears we got the best cuts we could get without jeopardizing the 2012 elections with a Government Shut Down (see Americans Favor Budget Compromise Over Shutdown, 58%-33%). In fact they are the biggest cuts ever. Here is Huckabee on the budget cuts.
Here is Jill Stanek pretty much in agreement with Huckabee on Planned Parenthood and that "Speaker Boehner did the best he could."
"I am disappointed about PP but not surprised. We hoped and worked for a miracle, and it didn’t happen. Pro-lifers only rule 1 of 3 branches of government at present.
I reiterate I am amazed the fight over PP got so much attention and was apparently the biggest obstacle. As I tweeted today, this process has only dumped more disastrous PR on PP’s brand. And as Steve Ertelt , the Senate PP vote “allows [the] pro-life side to further expose nation’s biggest abortion business. Speaker Boehner win.”
I think Speaker Boehner did the best he could."
As far as the pro-life victories we can rejoice that American Tax Payers will not be funding abortions in DC as that was part of the agreement and there will still be a debate and vote on defunding Planned Parenthood in the Senate which will put moderate Democrats in a tight spot. Here is what pro-lifers got out of the deal from Boehner's blog:
- GUARANTEES SENATE VOTE & DEBATE ON DE-FUNDING PLANNED PARENTHOOD. The agreement with Senate Democrats guarantees a Senate debate and vote on legislation that would end federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
- BANS TAXPAYER FUNDING OF ABORTION IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The agreement includes a complete ban on local and federal funding of abortion in the District of Columbia, applying the pro-life principles of the Hyde Amendment (“D.C. Hyde”).
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Nothing exciting to report about the month of March as far as worst or best numbers go. However, there was a significant drop in visitors over all. It appears whatever changes Google had has really effected our numbers. Oh yes and we did have an all time worst of average time on site. However, Values Voter News remains thankful to the Lord for the good and bad months. Below are the updated monthly stats.
Top three viewed posts of all time since 03/13/2009 when stats began to be logged
1. changes hospital of Obama's birth 90 minutes after WND.COM article but has no conclusive evidence of correction according to Wikipedia.-7.36%
2. Obama's approval rating is at lowest level yet. Investor index falling to 3 month low and Republicans have highest lead in polls-3.10%
3. Genocide Awareness Project hits liberal University of CA at Berkely with disturbing yet powerful images and comments-1.42%
Top three viewed blogs at Values Voter News for March '11
1. changes hospital of Obama's birth 90 minutes after WND.COM article but has no conclusive evidence of correction according to Wikipedia.-4.21%
2.Baby grabbing Dr's hand from the womb is now 9 years old and is thankful to God that he was in that picture..-4.16%
3. Oklahoma passes first American sex selection abortion ban and requirements for better reporting on abortions in Oklahoma.-1.40%
Top three referring sites
1. -58.33%
2. -13.06%
3. -1.98%
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1. barack obama-1.70%
2. montana %
3. nea speaker-1.19%
Top three countries
1. USA-80.48%
2. Canada-1.93%
3. UK-1.74%
Top three states
1. California-11.46%
2. Texas-7.10%
3. New York-6.16%
Traffic Rank according to Alexa as of 3/5/2011
USA-No Data
Blog Rank according to Technorati
7598 overall rank
1153 under US Politics
1983 under Politics
Google Page Rank according to prchecker.inf
Blog started 06/2008
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Only if you don't know the math...Check out these two revealing video. We do not have a tax problem but rather a spending problem. Government dependence is expensive.
Also watch as Bill Whittle explain how much we would have to tax the rich and a whole lot more to pay of the deficit and debt.
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Video: Eric Cantor gets a standing ovation and the House sounded more like UK's parliament yesterday
Maybe a more mellow parliament. Watch it all the way thru....(9 minutes).
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Same Sex Marriage failing in Rhode Island as it already failed in Maryland
Labels: Same Sex MarriageHere is a testimony in favor of marriage between and man and a woman in Rhode Island. Some excellent points made. Apparently Same Sex Marriage is can't pass in Rhode Island as it failed to pass earlier in Maryland. See "Gay Marriage Can't Pass RI House" - NOM Marriage News 4/7/2011
Here is testimony from Maryland while they were trying to pass a similar bill in Maryland which died. This testimony presents another concern about Same Sex Marriage.
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Some good news possibly? This is a first. Reid and Boehner making a joint statement?
“We have narrowed the issues, however, we have not yet reached an agreement. We will continue to work through the night to attempt to resolve our remaining differences.”-From Boehner's blog.
The Facts:
This is a budget that Democrats couldn't pass when they controlled the House, Senate and White House last year.
The House under Republican leadership finally passed the budget some 47 days ago.
The Senate under Democrat leadership had two votes on a budget this year. One which was the House bill which got 2 more votes than the Democrat budget did in the Democrat lead Senate.
The House just passed another short term budget to fund the Government for another week and the military till the end of this fiscal year.
For what the debate is all about and why Democrats are not accepting of this new bill passed today in the House and why Republicans want the Senate to pass the new bill watch below from Thursday's debate.
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Wisconsin Election Results: Found local video of news conference revealing 7582 more votes for Prosser
Labels: WisconsinAlso see Wisconsin Election Results: Prosser picks up 7582 votes giving him a commanding lead even after Kloppenburg declared victory
Unbelievable game changer!!!
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Wisconsin Election Results: Prosser picks up 7582 votes giving him a commanding lead even after Kloppenburg declared victory
Labels: WisconsinThis is the latest (5:20 PM MST) from Milwaukee JS Online....
"David Prosser gained 7,582 votes in Waukesha County, after a major counting error of Brookfield results was detected, County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus announced in a stunning development this afternoon.
Nickolaus says the reason for the big change is that data transmitted from the City of Brookfield was imported but that she failed to save those results to the database. Brookfield cast 14,315 votes on April 5 -- 10,859 of those votes went to Prosser and 3,456 went to JoAnne Kloppenburg.
"The purpose of the canvass is to catch these kind of mistakes," Nickolaus said. She called it human error that is "common in this process." "I apologize," Nickolaus said."
Also see Madison vs. the Rest of Wisconsin: "Prosser would have won Wisconsin by a comfortable 53.3 percent to 46.7 percent margin. The non-Dane County Prosser vote actually exceeds the 52.3 percent Walker received statewide in November. It wasn’t the state’s voters rejecting Walker’s agenda — it was Dane County’s government workers attempting to keep their paychecks intact."
Clearly this is a vote for or against what Governor Walker is doing in Wisconsin. Check out this ad from the left that I found at liberal blog FireDogLake. And clearly Wisconsinites are evenly split on the issue no matter who wins.
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Wisconsin Election Results: Prosser to pick up 7381 votes from city that wasn't reported to AP. News conference at 5:30 PM
Labels: WisconsinThis is the latest from National Review Online...
"After Tuesday night’s Wisconsin Supreme Court election, a computer error in heavily Republican Waukesha County failed to send election results for the entire City of Brookfield to the Associated Press. The error, revealed today, would give incumbent Supreme Court Justice David Prosser a net 7,381 votes against his challenger, attorney Joanne Kloppenburg."
If this is true this should give Prosser the victory. Here is a good read as you wait for the news conference concerning this issue to be held at 5:30 PM CST Madison vs. the Rest of Wisconsin: "Prosser would have won Wisconsin by a comfortable 53.3 percent to 46.7 percent margin. The non-Dane County Prosser vote actually exceeds the 52.3 percent Walker received statewide in November. It wasn’t the state’s voters rejecting Walker’s agenda — it was Dane County’s government workers attempting to keep their paychecks intact."
Clearly this is a vote for or against what Governor Walker is doing in Wisconsin. Check out this ad from the left that I found at liberal blog FireDogLake. And clearly Wisconsinites are evenly split on the issue no matter who wins.
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