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Video: Oral arguments on ObamaCare before the Supreme Court

Update: Here is the second day of argumentation which you should find quite interesting: If the Individual Mandate Portion of the Law is Unconstitutional, Can the Rest of the Law Survive?.

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Video: Beef Company responds to Pink Slime, Jamie Oliver and Food, Inc.

I just heard about this over the weekend and when I first heard of it I kind of rolled my eyes in the back of my head. It seems like all the anti-food documentaries and what not have been infultrating the minds of to many around my house anyways. MSG was one big issue, than cows and chickens and the latest I have heard is about this "Pink Slime".

On the MSG issue I bought into that for awhile but than I saw this missionary show called "Travel the Road" where the locals were eating monkey meat (I believe it was) and they were putting MSG on it as if it were a salt. I was like this is not good. Don't they know that MSG kills you? So then I checked further in on it and MSG isn't nearly as bad as all that has been worked up on it. All you have to do is get the other side of the story from reputable sources. I am not saying I agree with wikipedia and believe it is the end of all arguments but I found some links off of wikipedia to some studies and a European food safety source and a Mayo Clinic article. I can't remember all the sources but all I am saying is get the whole story not just one movie documentary that is itself competing for your attention as much as any other "good" cause is. In fact you will see that in the videos below they happen to have a "good" cause also. I do not judge the motives of those who are making these documentaries and I believe they really believe what they believe but I am not all that sure if they are being entirely accurate. I also understand that these food companies have their biases too but please be open enough to not judge their motives and believe for a moment that perhaps they genuinely believe in their "good" cause also. It is true that money is a motive in both the movie making industry and the food industry but there are customers to serve in both of these legitimate industries without which no one makes anything and it is important that we customers are not being biased for or against something until we have the whole story. I do not believe most of us check into the other side of the story (myself included) before we begin biasing those around us with what we just heard as the truth.

And so in that spirit here is a bit of the whole story after you have watched or heard of "Food, Inc."'s side of the story and others on "Pink Slime".

Food, Inc. responded to...

Jamie Oliver and "Pink Slime" responded to...

And what about all that ammonia...

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Video: Monumental with Kirk Cameron

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