Check out this ad from Scott Walker's campaign where he took on our President. This was before he was elected Governor in Wisconsin.
The Defeat Obama Campaign is using this issue to take on our President in 2012. Check out this recent ad.
But check out Scott Walker's response today to our President's comments over the issue public sector unions.
Gov. Scott Walker on Monday afternoon responded to comments President Barack Obama made earlier in the day about the protests in Madison:
Walker’s office issued this statement:
“I'm sure the President knows that most federal employees do not have collective bargaining for wages and benefits while our plan allows it for base pay. And I'm sure the President knows that the average federal worker pays twice as much for health insurance as what we are asking for in Wisconsin. At least I would hope he knows these facts.
“Furthermore, I’m sure the President knows that we have repeatedly praised the more than 300,000 government workers who come to work every day in Wisconsin.
“I’m sure that President Obama simply misunderstands the issues in Wisconsin, and isn’t acting like the union bosses in saying one thing and doing another.”
Watch him explain on Meet the Press from Sunday.
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Video: Boehner's speech at the National Religious Broadcasters' annual convention "Let us Pray..."
Labels: John BoehnerI haven't had a chance to listen to it all the way through yet but the opening of the speech is excellent and so is the closing. I missed some parts in between as I was working.
As a Christian Values Voter concerned for the Values of our nation it is so good to have a Speaker of the House like a John Boehner. May God Bless America with more leaders like our Speaker. All I can do is rejoice and Praise God for such a Speaker and continue to pray for the leaders of our country!!!
Also see New Speaker of the House maintains high favorability ratings amongst voters for two months in a row. and do see Video: John Boehner's emotional speech on the House floor concerning the AZ Shootings.
Also see One nation under God and what does it matter? and Cartoons and charts exposing economic consequences for America's straying from our "In God we trust" roots and label American Remembrance
President Reagan once said at a prayer breakfast in Dallas: "America needs God more than God needs America, If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under."
And to conclude with Reagan as he quotes Lincoln from the past in our nation's crisis of the Civil War in the 1800's and during the current economic crisis that Reagan faced in the 80's: "Abraham Lincoln once said, "I would be the most foolish person on this footstool earth if I believed for one moment that I could perform the duties assigned to me without the help of one who is wiser than all." I know that in the days to come and the years ahead there are going to be many times when there will only be one set of footprints in my life. If I did not believe that, I could not face the days ahead."-1981 National Day of Prayer Breakfast. Reagan was referring to that famous poem about the footprints in the sand.
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Also see Mayor in Providence, Rhode Island who fired all its school teachers is a Democrat not a Republican as reported by liberal NBC.
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Video: Check Planned Parenthood's new $200,000 ad. They still don't get it....
Labels: Planned Parenthood, TaxesFound video at
Check out Planned Parenthood's new $200,000 ad below.
Planned Parenthood still doesn't get. Planned Parenthood could get their funds to do all they are doing in below video if they will stop doing abortions. The fact remains that Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America and no tax payer should be forced to fund an organization that promotes and does abortions. If Planned Parenthood is about women's health and not abortion then Planned Parenthood needs to stop doing abortions. Make Planned Parenthood get the message and call your Senator to tell them to defund them until they stop doing abortions.
If it is all about women's health and not abortions then why is Planned Parenthood willing to sacrifice women's health over abortion.
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Mayor in Providence, Rhode Island who fired all its school teachers is a Democrat not a Republican as reported by liberal NBC
Labels: Liberal Media Bias, Party IDBelow some comments is article of NBC's report of DEMOCRAT Rhode Island Mayor who fired all the cities teachers. But NBC mislabeled him as a Republican. Bias or mistake? Who knows but the media has a tendency to use labels in a bias way at NBC and other news sources. For more evidence of this see Party ID.
The liberal media would love to make this a partisan issue when it comes to state budgets. They would love to paint Republicans as the bad guys having to make "unnecessary" cuts when they can tax the job creators and the capital of the rich needed to invest and create those jobs in the private sector (which by the way funds the public sector). When in reality both Democrats and Republicans are dealing with the same problem in that they are running out of money and they do not believe it will create further revenue for there respected states to tax the job creators and capital that could be used to create jobs running investments out of their state. Believe it or not all that Governor Christie did in New Jersey was approved by a Democrat led New Jersey state legislature. In Wisconsin it is true that the House, the Senate and the Governor flipped from Democrat to Republican in 2010 and so there it will be a truly partisan issue but nationwide it is hardly the case as is further evidenced in Rhode Island. Either cut the benefits or loose jobs for there is no more money.
Sure there is another option which public sector unions always point out and that is tax the job creators (the rich), tax the private sector and tax the rewards of production/reinvestment and job creation but then you have less capital to create private sector jobs with to grow for the future (a sector without which the public sector would not be funded) not to fail to mention less capital in the future to tax for that capital is not laying under the pillows of the rich but is actively being re-invested or put in a bank where it is growing via interest and the banks are then re-investing but if you tax it it will not grow nor have the opportunity to be re-invested in job creation for the next year.
It is also important to note that the more the rich are making the more revenue for that state and the more jobs will be created in that state via a product the masses find worthy of their purchase and all this without increasing taxes. But to unjustly tax production because public sector unions are out of control is not an option for fiscally conservative Republicans and Democrats who are under budget crunches and need to attract future investments into their state or at the federal level into their country to create jobs here and not overseas.
Besides when you compare the products the private sector gives us that we all willingly pay for cause we find value in them to the products that our Government many times unwillingly force upon us like ObamaCare and our poor educational system and our soon to be bankrupted Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid which is soon to bankrupt the whole country if nothing is done about it. At least when I buy a computer from the rich that money gets reinvested to create further products and jobs and actually grows but the products we get from our Government tends to lead to the inevitable bankrupting of it all. And that is the worst investment that could be made. Invest in an entity that is 14 trillion dollars in debt at other people's expense or invest in an entity that actually creates wealth so that the debt itself could be paid off. No man in his right or left mind will invest in a company that is 14 trillion in debt. We need to get the Government and all its unfunded political promises that will bankrupt us all out of the way so that "We the people..." can work hard and earn a better future for our children via all the collective talents of America and yes that even includes the talents of the rich and those talented in wisely investing and reinvesting. And you can bet it will trickle down to everybody in many different forms via jobs, salaries, benefits, better and more advanced products, etc etc etc. Just look at the 80's under Reagan.
We need both the talents of investors who invest in the product and the talents of the product makers. Both talents serve us well (the consumers who are both producers and investors in production) as we find the product valuable and we willingly choose to buy it. Unfunded expensive promises of politicians do not serve us well. In the end they bankrupt us. Look at the hidden unfunded promises of Government pushed homeownership. Sure temporarily it looked great but now we are finding it served none of us well and we will soon be in that position with ObamaCare, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security if nothing is done unless our economy booms like it has never boomed before. There simply will be no money to fund these promises that some of our politicians are making to us. Business get it cause they have to get it or else they go bankrupt before bankrupting a nation. Governments don't seem to get it until it is to late.
If you believe it was entirely Wall Street, capitalism and greed that did in our economy in 2008 than do be sure to include the Government's huge rule in the demise at label Mortgage Crisis or start with Obama administration admitting that Fannie and Freddie were a "core part" of the country's financial woes remembering that Fannie and Freddie in 2008 were GSE's (Government Sponsored Enterprise) which hugely distorted the private sector market. In other words the market that failed was not a true free market especially the market that caused the financial melt down in 2008 namely the mortgage market.
Now finally to the article....
NBC Mislabels Dem Mayor as 'R' After Providence Fires All Its School Teachers-Media Research Center.
On Sunday’s NBC Nightly News, a report filed by correspondent Kevin Tibbles mislabeled the Democratic Mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, Angel Taveras, as a Republican during the piece which recounted that the city’s school board had fired all its teachers with the intent to hire back some of them to help solve the city’s budget problems.
Anchor Lester Holt briefly referred to protesters in Madison, Wisconsin, as he introduced the report:
In Madison, Wisconsin, protesters who’ve camped out at the state capitol for more than a week were under orders to clean up and get out today, meaning remove their sleeping bags, their signs, and themselves. Tonight, hundreds have done so. Wisconsin is one of many states public employees find themselves under fire, and there’s one profession getting hit surprisingly hard as NBC's Kevin Tibbles reports.After a clip of Providence Teachers Union President Steve Smith complaining about the city’s action, Tibbles moved to the soundbite of Mayor Taveras that had him misidentified as a Republican:
TIBBLES: The city says it will rehire the teachers it needs and let the rest go. Staring at a crippling deficit, the mayor says it’s time for drastic action.Below is a complete transcript of the report from the Sunday, February 27, NBC Nightly News:
MAYOR ANGEL TAVERAS (R-PROVIDENCE): We’re facing an unprecedented, unprecedented fiscal crisis in our city.
LESTER HOLT: In Madison, Wisconsin, protesters who’ve camped out at the state capitol for more than a week were under orders to clean up and get out today, meaning remove their sleeping bags, their signs, and themselves. Tonight, hundreds have done so. Wisconsin is one of many states public employees find themselves under fire, and there’s one profession getting hit surprisingly hard as NBC's Kevin Tibbles reports.--Brad Wilmouth is a news analyst at the Media Research Center
KEVIN TIBBLES: School board members in Providence, Rhode Island, voted Thursday not to lay off teachers but to fire them all.
STEVE SMITH, PROVIDENCE TEACHERS UNION: They fired 1,926 teachers with no plan.
TIBBLES: The city says it will rehire the teachers it needs and let the rest go. Staring at a crippling deficit, the mayor says it’s time for drastic action.
MAYOR ANGEL TAVERAS (D-PROVIDENCE): We’re facing an unprecedented, unprecedented fiscal crisis in our city.
TIBBLES: Budget deficits and seemingly ironclad benefits packages now have teachers nationwide, including here in New York, under scrutiny.
MAYOR MICHAEL BLOOMBERG (I-NYC): When I say we have a budget deficit-
TIBBLES: Mayor Mike Bloomberg says he’s a supporter of unions, but his new city budget suggests close to 4,700 teachers could lose their jobs. The teachers responded with this ad:
CLIP OF AD: Mayor Bloomberg sees things differently than the rest of us. Our schools are short of money, yet he refuses to ask millionaires to pay their fair share.
TIBBLES: And in New Jersey, the governor has made teachers a central theme.
GOVERNOR CHRIS CHRISTIE (R-NJ) CLIP #1: Really, it's two places left in America where there's a profession where there is no reward for excellence and no consequence for failure. Of course, we all know the first one is weathermen.
CHRISTIE CLIP #2: Unfortunately, the second one is teaching.
CHESTER FINN, THOMAS B. FORDHAM INSTITUTE: The current situation is undesirable, both fiscally and educationally. It’s not good for kids. It’s not good for taxpayers.
TIBBLES: But there is concern as cities ask schools to do more with less, the children will suffer.
AARON PALLAS, COLUMBIA TEACHERS COLLEGE: Schools are seen as the last bastion of a kind of social order. And so, to have them subject to this kind of upheaval can't be good for kids.
TIBBLES: Doing the math in a fiscal crisis may leave schools feeling the pinch. Kevin Tibbles, NBC News, New York.
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The new Speaker of the House has high favorability ratings into month two of the new congress, Wisconsin showdown Week 2, Governor Christie's speech and Huckabee's press conference
Labels: Week in ReviewHeadlines
Polls show positive trend in approval rating of Congress and very positive trend in the new Speaker of the House
Congressional Performance rating still low but moving in the right direction
New Speaker of the House maintains high favorability ratings amongst voters for two months in a row.
Presidents Day: Gallup and Rasmussen concur Reagan the most influential and the greatest President even above Lincoln this year
Wisconsin Showdown Week 2
48% support GOP Governor in Wisconsin as 38% side with Unions
New ad running on Wisconsin TV to Stand with Walker agains Big Government Unions also not that 46% View Unionized Teachers As a Bad Thing, 37% Disagree.
Image: Union protest will cost tax payers $9 million not including clean up
Governor Christie Speech to go with Mike Huckabee's speech
Video: Governor of New Jersey speech at a recent event in Washington DC and Videos: Mike Huckabee on CBNNews and an hour press conference over his new book. "You can't lead unless you have the consent of governed."-Huckabee.
Movie trailer: Of Gods and Men
Obama's leadership rating falls to a new low and check out Obama debating Obama
Planned Parenthood
Video: It's time to stop tax payer funding of the largest abortion provider in the US
Democrat and Planned Parenthood don't get why Americans don't want to fund them via their taxes
Bombs away: Planned Parenthood and Tiller failed to report 164 cases of child statutory rape
Videos: Paul Ryan of Wisconsin explains why jobs are shipped over seas and why investors choose not to invest in America and so much more...
Illegal Immigration
Susana Martinez YouTube Channel: NM House debates Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
Election Watch
Mike Huckabee: "Here I Stand." and "America,...Do you think this message....?" and if so Huckabee may be a candidate and good one he would make.
Videos: How to cut Government spending via Ronald Reagan, Canada, Slovakia and others
Video: A Reality Check on Big Government and our economy
Video: Tea Party favorite congressman Allen West takes on CAIR in local townhall meeting of some sort
Gay only Bed & Breakfast business owners now under attack in the UK
American Remembrance
Remembering George Washington the "Father of Our Country"
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Values Voter News can be accessed on your mobile phone with ease see Get Values Voter News on your Blackberry, iPhone, Droid or other mobile phones
Video: It's time to stop tax payer funding of the largest abortion provider in the US
Labels: Planned Parenthood, TaxesExcellent...
VVN is pro-life and pro-women. For those who have been involved in any way with abortion check out label Post Abortive Testimonies and especially do not miss the real life testimony of the very Roe of Roe v Wade and how she found forgiveness in Christ at Testimony of the very Roe of Roe v Wade after finding forgiveness in Christ for her sins. Once abortion activist now trying to reverse Roe v Wade
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Videos: Paul Ryan of Wisconsin explains why jobs are shipped over seas and why investors choose not to invest in America and so much more...
Labels: Paul RyanPaul Ryan does a great job in explaining what is happening to American jobs and investments and so much more. Paul is one of the best at explaining the issues from a conservative perspective. I believe as you watch whether you agree or no you can appreciate his communication skills. You just have to watch them all as he takes on various subject. Excellent....
For more of Paul Ryan's excellent answers to other questions and portions of this speech check out videos below.
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Rasmussen has been keeping tabs on the voters view on how well Congress is performing and even thought only 15% of voters give Congress good or excellent marks that is "up five points from last month and the highest positive rating since last August.
Forty-two percent (42%) say Congress is doing a poor job, down six points from January and the lowest negative rating found since regular tracking began in November 2006. (To see survey question wording, click here."
Last month's rating
How would you rate the way Congress is doing its job? | |
Excellent | 1% |
Good | 9% |
Fair | 38% |
Poor | 48% |
This month's rating
How would you rate the way Congress is doing its job? | |
Excellent | 5% |
Good | 10% |
Fair | 41% |
Poor | 42% |
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New ad running on Wisconsin TV to Stand with Walker agains Big Government Unions
Labels: Labor Unions, Polls, Wisconsin
Also see 48% support GOP Governor in Wisconsin as 38% side with Unions not to fail to mention that Americans don't exactly have the most positive view of teacher's unions see 46% View Unionized Teachers As a Bad Thing, 37% Disagree and "Only 39 percent of the eighth graders in Wisconsin public schools are proficient or better in mathematics, according to the U.S. Department of Education, despite the fact that Wisconsin spends more per pupil in its public schools than any other state in the Midwest." For more on concerns over teacher's unions see Watch Flunked here and Video: Let Me Rise: The Struggle to Save School Choice In the Nation's Capitol
Wisconsin education result not satisfactory according to Duncan.
Also see Image: Union protest will cost tax payers $9 million not including clean up and Video: The Myths and the Facts about the Wisconsin protests and Video: Herman Cain's speech in Wisconsin in support of Scott Walker and Video: Breitbart's speech at the Madison, Wisconsin rally in support of Governor Walker and Cartoon: The difference between public sector unions and private sector unions and Teachers union in Wisconsin is fighting for Viagra drug benefits at tax payer's expense from August of last year and see Liberal Hypocrisy playing out big time in Wisconsin against the GOP and Video: Paul Ryan discusses Madison protests in Wisconsin and Video: How public sector unions are making us more reliant on Government? and the latest exclusive video interview of Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin at Video: Governor Scott Walker video interview at on the union protest.
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Susana Martinez YouTube Channel: NM House debates Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
Labels: Illegal Immigration, New Mexico, Susana MartinezCheck out the packed crowd at this hearing. Wow!!! Not the best video footage but at least it gets the public in on the issue. Found this videos off of Susana Martinez's YouTube Channel. Click here for New Mexico Governor's request for an up or down vote on this issue. Get this 72% of voters polled opposed New Mexico's driver's license law as it stands today.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 I noticed at this point many from the crowd spoke up.
Part 8 Good point!!!
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
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Mike Huckabee: "Here I Stand." and "America,...Do you think this message....?" and if so Huckabee may be a candidate and good one he would make.
Labels: Election Watch, HuckabeeUpdate: Here is embedded video of Huckabee's press conference. Excellent...
As soon as this video becomes embeddable I will be embedding. Click here for link to Huckabee's press conference. This is VVN's first post under label Election Watch for the 2012 elections. Click image to the left to purchase book. After watching the video you may be tempted to do so.
All 51 minutes.
No Government will work without Family Government. Excellent...
Enjoyed how he began with a discussion mostly positive on our current President.
Public Sector unions vs Private Sector.
Notice at about 32 minutes how he handles Obama's decision not to defend DOMA. Excellent...
Enjoyed the way in which he explained himself. I believe we will need an individual who can communicate to the people and I have always enjoyed how Huckabee does this.
I think it is time to get a book. I have never ever wanted to read a book by a possible Presidential candidate. This may be my first. But so far I like what I hear now it is time to examine the pages. I would encourage others to do so by clicking on image above to purchase from
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Democrat and Planned Parenthood don't get why Americans don't want to fund them via their taxes
Labels: Planned Parenthood, TaxesFound this video at Cecile Richards misleads: Planned Parenthood does NOT provide mammograms
Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood unwilling to give up abortions to serve women's other needs. What Cecile doesn't get is this is the use of tax payer's money and American tax payer's do no want their dollars to go to the biggest abortion provider in the US. Check out Mike Pence's speech on the House floor as to why this bill passed the House as he speaks just before the passage of the bill in the House at Video: Mike Pence speech on House floor to defund Planned Parenthood: "Maybe if Planned Parenthood would stop doing abortions than they could make an argument that they are not about abortions but I have a feeling that they would be willing to loose all tax payer funding of their organization than to give up abortions."
Also Republican aren't as hard as the congresswoman would have you believe. One could argue that the Democrats don't care about America cause they aren't willing to cut spending that is sending the whole nation into debt.
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Obama's leadership rating falls to a new low and check out Obama debating Obama
Labels: Entertainment, Obama Watch, Poll ResultsAlso see Cartoon: How about an adult conversation Wisconsin Democrats?
Awkward Situation Room - Passive / Aggressive from RightChange on Vimeo.
Rasmussen shows a new low for our President's leadership. Only "37% of Likely U.S. Voters now say the president is doing a good or excellent job as a leader."
1 Timothy 2
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Videos: How to cut Government spending via Ronald Reagan, Canada, Slovakia and others
Labels: InternationalPart 1
Part 2
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New Speaker of the House maintains high favorability ratings amongst voters for two months in a row.
Labels: John Boehner, PollsRasmussen has John Boehner's favorability ratings slightly increase from last month. Below are the New Speaker of the House favorability ratings compared to the other leaders. Last month Boehner was at 45% to 34%.
Congressional Favorability Ratings |
Member of Congress |
Favorable |
Unfavorable |
John Boehner |
46% |
34% |
Nancy Pelosi |
28% |
64% |
Mitch McConnell |
36% |
35% |
Harry Reid |
25% |
55% |
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Also see One nation under God and what does it matter? and Cartoons and charts exposing economic consequences for America's straying from our "In God we trust" roots and label American Remembrance
President Reagan once said at a prayer breakfast in Dallas: "America needs God more than God needs America, If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under."
And to conclude with Reagan as he quotes Lincoln from the past in our nation's crisis of the Civil War in the 1800's and during the current economic crisis that Reagan faced in the 80's: "Abraham Lincoln once said, "I would be the most foolish person on this footstool earth if I believed for one moment that I could perform the duties assigned to me without the help of one who is wiser than all." I know that in the days to come and the years ahead there are going to be many times when there will only be one set of footprints in my life. If I did not believe that, I could not face the days ahead."-1981 National Day of Prayer Breakfast. Reagan was referring to that infamous poem about the footprints in the sand.
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Bombs away: Planned Parenthood and Tiller failed to report 164 cases of child statutory rape
Labels: Planned ParenthoodThis just in from see more at label Planned Parenthood
Phill Kline has just dropped a major bombshell.
In an ethics trial that is seeking to determine in part whether Kline acted too aggressively to enforce Kansas child rape laws in his capacity as Attorney General or Johnson Co. District Attorney, Kline just revealed to the court under oath that he found 166 instances during a specific time period when girls younger than 14 years old got abortions at clinics owned either by late-term abortionist George Tiller or Planned Parenthood of Overland Park.
But during that same time period, Kline testified, Planned Parenthood reported only one case of child rape, and Tiller reported only one case of child rape.
This means there were 164 instances when girls 13-years-old and younger had abortions at one of those abortion clinics, and the clinics failed to report the abortions to authorities."
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Gay only Bed & Breakfast business owners now under attack in the UK
Labels: International, Same Sex Marriage, UKAn interesting development in the Christian Bed & Breakfast business owners. For more on that see Christian Bed and Breakfast owners forced to pay 6000 dollars for not allowing homosexual couples to share same room and Christian Bed and Breakfast owners being sued by homosexuals for not allowing unmarried couples to sleep in the same bed
Now this from The Christian Institute...
Gay-only B&Bs probed by equality commission
Homosexual-only hotels are set to be investigated by the Government’s equality watchdog for potential unlawful discrimination against heterosexuals.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) says it must establish an “objective balance”, having spent £15,320 of taxpayers’ money targeting Christian-run hotels and guesthouses.
Last year the Commission funded a controversial legal case against a Christian-run B&B for restricting double rooms to married couples.
The case against Peter and Hazelmary Bull involved a clash of rights and the Equality Commission was criticised for backing one side against the other.
Now the Commission is trying to redress the imbalance. In a statement, it said: “As discriminatory issues concerning ‘Christian’ bed and breakfast establishments and hotels have been officially brought to our attention, and as we are testing the law in this area, there is a need for the Commission to establish an ‘objective balance’.
“We are, therefore, looking in to the matter of ‘gay-only’ hotels’/B&B establishments and the potentially discriminatory policies towards heterosexual couples that some of those ‘gay-only’ establishments may hold.”
The EHRC has far-reaching powers to enforce equality duties and support legal actions to “push the boundaries of the law”.
Earlier this month The Times reported that the quango was to have its budget cut by almost 60 per cent.
The newspaper said that the Commission’s budget will be cut to £22.5 million before the next General Election. Its budget has already been reduced from £60m to £53m by the Government.
Peter and Hazelmary Bull, the owners of the Christian-run guesthouse, are set to appeal the decision against them. The Christian Institute has agreed to fund the appeal.
Mr and Mrs Bull were taken to court by Steven Preddy and his homosexual civil partner Martyn Hall.
His Hon. Judge Rutherford ruled against the Christians, declaring that they had acted unlawfully in not allowing Mr Preddy and Mr Hall to occupy a double room.
The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations, Judge Rutherford found, say a homosexual civil partnership should be treated in the same way as a marriage when providing goods or services.
Since the court ruling, the guesthouse has been targeted by numerous homosexual couples attempting to book double rooms in an apparent attempt to destroy the business.
Mrs Bull, 66, has also received abusive and menacing phone calls."
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Image: Union protest will cost tax payers $9 million not including clean up
Labels: Taxes, Wisconsin"Wisconsin’s McIver Institute has been closely following the developments in Madison over the last week as government workers rally to protect their collective bargaining privileges against state budget cuts. But as teachers have abandoned their classrooms to picket at the state capitol, the state’s taxpayers are the ones paying the real price.
In Milwaukee, public school teachers who skipped out on work to engage in the protest have earned an estimated $3 million while not teaching students in Wisconsin’s largest school district.
Similarly, in Madison, a school district closed for three days due to teacher shortages, the district stands to lose about $2.7 million. To close the school on Monday alone, McIver estimates the school district paid more than $900,000."
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Video: Tea Party favorite congressman Allen West takes on CAIR in local townhall meeting of some sort
Labels: GOP WatchValues Voter News can be accessed on your mobile phone with ease see Get Values Voter News on your Blackberry, iPhone, Droid or other mobile phones
Found this article at Family Research Council a good repost here for this President's Day or rather maybe Washington's Birthday. Also see Presidents Day: Gallup and Rasmussen concur Reagan the most influential and the greatest President even above Lincoln this year
George Washington: Father of Our Country-Family Research Council
Today, I wanted to take the opportunity to share a piece written by FRC's resident historian, Senior Fellow Bob Morrison. Bob's research has been featured in some of Dr. Bill Bennett's most recent books, including the series: America: The Last Best Hope.
If you haven't read them, I encourage you to get your hands on a copy. Also, check out Bill's The American Patriot's Almanac for daily stories about our great country. Happy Presidents' Day!
By Act of Congress, this is still George Washington's Birthday. Although car dealers and shopping malls have told us over and over again it's Presidents Day, the law is clear: We are honoring today our first president, the Father of our Country.
George Washington has been described as "the gentlest of Christendom's captains." As a military man, he was incredibly brave, facing enemy bullets not once, but many times. But when he put away his sword, he placed a dove of peace--a biblical symbol--atop his beloved Virginia home, Mount Vernon. He was eulogized at his death in 1799 by Gen. Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee, the father of Robert E. Lee. The elder Lee called Washington "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." Washington was an inspiration to virtually all the presidents who came after him.
Thomas Jefferson, our third President, said of George Washington:
For his was the singular destiny and merit, of leading the armies of his country successfully through an arduous war, for the establishment of its independence; of conducting its councils through the birth of a government, new in its forms and principles, until it had settled down into a quiet and orderly train; and of scrupulously obeying the laws through the whole of his career, civil and military, of which the history of the world furnishes no other example. . . . These are my opinions of General Washington, which I would vouch at the judgment seat of God, having been formed on an acquaintance of thirty years. . . .I felt on his death, with my countrymen, that 'verily a great man hath fallen this day in Israel.'
Abraham Lincoln sought to model his own conduct on that of George Washington. Leaving Springfield by train for Washington, D.C. 150 years ago this month, President-elect Lincoln bade farewell to his Illinois neighbors with these touching words:
I now leave, not knowing when, or whether ever, I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington. Without the assistance of the Divine Being who ever attended him, I cannot succeed. With that assistance I cannot fail. Trusting in Him who can go with me, and remain with you, and be everywhere for good, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well. To His care commending you, as I hope in your prayers you will commend me, I bid you an affectionate farewell.
So impressed with Washington's conduct was Lincoln that he made a point of kissing the Bible at this own inauguration--just as Washington had done in 1789. Washington's reliance on the Bible was fully shared by Lincoln, who called it "the best gift God has ever given to man...But for it we could not know right from wrong."
Through the centuries, some few Americans have sought to pull themselves up by pulling Washington down. This tendency was most exaggerated in the 1920s, when so-called Progressives thought they could "de-bunk" American history by giving it a Marxist slant. But when a book purporting to show that Washington was a failure was published, President Calvin Coolidge was asked what he thought of it. "Silent Cal" wasted few words on the muckraking book. He looked out the window of the White House toward the Washington Monument and drawled: "He's still there."
Ronald Reagan surely admired George Washington. When Ed Meese, Reagan's loyal lieutenant, was informed several years ago that Americans in an online poll had voted Reagan the greatest of all Americans, Mr. Meese was stunned. "He didn't think so," the former Attorney General said, "Ronald Reagan thought George Washington was the greatest American."
Today, let us thank God for the life of George Washington, the Father of our Country."
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Presidents Day: Gallup and Rasmussen concur Reagan the most influential and the greatest President even above Lincoln this year
Labels: Polls, ReaganNow Rasmussen's poll only included President's for the last 50 years but Gallup's poll included all the presidents. Interesting enough Reagan was polled to be the greatest of all time this year for the third time out of 8 times the Gallup poll has polled this question.
We will start with Gallup poll results first and then the Rasmussen result next. Here is Gallup poll's comments in article titlted Americans Say Reagan Is the Greatest U.S. President notice that the comments reveal that Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan have shared the spot over the last 8 times this poll has been taken and Lincoln has 4 years.

Presidents Day, celebrated on the third Monday of February each year, officially commemorates the Feb. 22 birthday of George Washington. The country's first president is not regarded by Americans as the nation's greatest president, however. Gallup's Feb. 2-5 update shows that Washington comes in fifth on the list, behind Reagan, Lincoln, Clinton, and Kennedy.
In the eight times Gallup has asked this same "greatest president" question over the last 12 years, one of three presidents -- Lincoln, Reagan, and Kennedy -- has topped the list each time. Reagan was the top vote getter in 2001, 2005, and now 2011. Lincoln won in 1999, in two 2003 surveys, and in 2007. Kennedy was on top in 2000, and tied with Lincoln in November 2003."
Now to move on to the Rasmussen poll of most influential President's over the last 50 years in an article titled 37% Consider Reagan Most Influential President of the Last 50 Years.
"Americans view Ronald Reagan as America's most influential president in the past half-century.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 37% of American Adults consider Reagan the most influential president in the last 50 years. John F. Kennedy is a distant second with 21%, closely followed by Bill Clinton who earns 19% support. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Just five percent (5%) say George W. Bush was most influential, followed by Lyndon B. Johnson (4%), Jimmy Carter (3%) and Richard M. Nixon (2%). Bottoming out the list are George H.W. Bush and Gerald Ford with one percent (1%) support each. Barack Obama was not on the list since his presidency is not yet over.
Reagan's numbers have been improving in recent years. In 2001, among post-war presidents, he ranked third after Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower. That same year, Reagan ranked ninth in favorability among all American presidents.
But by last year, 17% rated Reagan as America's most influential president in terms of his impact on history, third behind George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Washington is the only U.S. president who is officially honored with a federal holiday, but given a list of some of America’s most influential other past presidents, more than one-in-four Americans now say Reagan should be honored with a federal holiday if another president were to be commemorated...."
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Video: Governor of New Jersey speech at a recent event in Washington DC
Labels: Governor Christie, New Jersey
This will give some further context for the showdown in Wisconsin. See Showdown in Wisconsin as Republicans take control of the House, Senate and Governor to balance the budget
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Related: Showdown in Wisconsin as Republicans take control of the House, Senate and Governor to balance the budget
Rasmussen has this recent poll of voters in article titled 48% Back GOP Governor in Wisconsin Spat, 38% Side With Unions
"A sizable number of voters are following new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s showdown with unionized public employees in his state, and nearly half side with the governor.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters agree more with the Republican governor in his dispute with union workers. Thirty-eight percent (38%) agree more with the unionized public employees, while 14% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
In an effort to close the state’s sizable budget deficit, Walker is proposing to eliminate collective bargaining for public employees including teachers on everything but wage issues. He is excluding public safety workers such as policemen and firemen from his plan.
Thirty-eight percent (38%) of voters think teachers, firemen and policemen should be allowed to go on strike, but 49% disagree and believe they should not have that right. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.
There’s strong partisan disagreement on both questions and a wide gap between the Political Class and Mainstream voters.
Thirty-six percent (36%) of all voters say that in their state the average public employee earns more than the average private sector worker. Twenty-one percent (21%) say the government employee earns less, while 20% think their pay is about the same. Twenty-three percent (23%) are not sure.
With states across the country finding that benefits for public workers are becoming difficult to fund in the current economic climate, support for public employee unions has fallen. Forty-five percent (45%) of Americans favor them, and 45% don’t. These findings include 21% who Strongly Favor such unions and 30% who are Strongly Opposed to them."
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Showdown in Wisconsin as Republicans take control of the House, Senate and Governor to balance the budget
Labels: Week in ReviewHeadlines
Showdown in Wisconsin with many videos from Ground Zero
Video: The Myths and the Facts about the Wisconsin protests
Video: Herman Cain's speech in Wisconsin in support of Scott Walker
Video: Breitbart's speech at the Madison, Wisconsin rally in support of Governor Walker
Video: Governor Scott Walker video interview at on the union protest.
Video: Paul Ryan discusses Madison protests in Wisconsin
Liberal Hypocrisy playing out big time in Wisconsin against the GOP
Cartoon: The difference between public sector unions and private sector unions
Video: How public sector unions are making us more reliant on Government?
Cartoon: How about an adult conversation Wisconsin Democrats?
Video: Local News report of boy who had near death experience and comes back to write a book about it and is a New York Times best seller
Tim Hawkins: Who sets us free?
GOP Watch
House Republicans unite to pass the largest discretionary spending cuts in history keeping their Pledge to America by a vote of 235 to 189
Defunding of Planned Parenthood passed by a vote of 240 to 185 in the House
Video: Mike Pence speech on House floor to defund Planned Parenthood
Breaking: House votes to block funding of "Net Neutrality" 244-181
Boehner: "Read my lips. We are going to cut spending."
John Boehner: "the president is elected to lead ... and if he won't, we will."
Paul Ryan on Good Morning America and his opening statements on the Budget Committee
Obama Watch
Video: You could by every Wal Mart in the world 15 times over with our President's budget of $3.7 trillion.
Video: 3 reasons why the Obama budget will NOT win the future.
Video: This Budget Never, Ever, Ever Reduces the Debt, Is that Right?
Obama Budget will double the National Debt in 10 years. Unbelievable...
National Debt now equals 103% of the ENTIRE US ECONOMY and won't be going down any time soon
Video: Richard Dreyfuss interview at CPAC
Couple honored for "longest married" in New Mexico for 82 years
UK mom refuses Dr's advice to abort after being diagnosed with cancer at 21 weeks
Chart: Actual Unemployment Rate vs Democrat Projection with Stimulus
Susana Martinez maintains outstanding approval numbers of New Mexico Governor after her first month in office according to PPP.
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Cartoon: How about an adult conversation Wisconsin Democrats?
Labels: Cartoons, Labor Unions, WisconsinCartoon above applies to 14 Senate Democrats who fled Wisconsin to hide out in Illinois to prevent passage of the Governor of Wisconsin's bill to balance the budget. Found cartoon at
For more on this showdown between public sector unions and the attempt of Republicans to balance the budget in Wisconsin see Video: The Myths and the Facts about the Wisconsin protests and Video: Herman Cain's speech in Wisconsin in support of Scott Walker and Video: Breitbart's speech at the Madison, Wisconsin rally in support of Governor Walker and Cartoon: The difference between public sector unions and private sector unions and Teachers union in Wisconsin is fighting for Viagra drug benefits at tax payer's expense from August of last year and see Liberal Hypocrisy playing out big time in Wisconsin against the GOP and Video: Paul Ryan discusses Madison protests in Wisconsin and Video: How public sector unions are making us more reliant on Government? and the latest exclusive video interview of Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin at Video: Governor Scott Walker video interview at on the union protest.
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Here is interview with Scott Walker at The Heritage Foundation see more posts and videos below.
Also see Video: Herman Cain's speech in Wisconsin in support of Scott Walker and Video: Breitbart's speech at the Madison, Wisconsin rally in support of Governor Walker and Cartoon: The difference between public sector unions and private sector unions and Teachers union in Wisconsin is fighting for Viagra drug benefits at tax payer's expense from August of last year and see Liberal Hypocrisy playing out big time in Wisconsin against the GOP and Video: Paul Ryan discusses Madison protests in Wisconsin and Video: How public sector unions are making us more reliant on Government? and the latest exclusive video interview of Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin at Video: Governor Scott Walker video interview at on the union protest.
Values Voter News can be accessed on your mobile phone with ease see Get Values Voter News on your Blackberry, iPhone, Droid or other mobile phones
Values Voter News can be accessed on your mobile phone with ease see Get Values Voter News on your Blackberry, iPhone, Droid or other mobile phones
Also see Video: Breitbart's speech at the Madison, Wisconsin rally in support of Governor Walker and Cartoon: The difference between public sector unions and private sector unions and Teachers union in Wisconsin is fighting for Viagra drug benefits at tax payer's expense from August of last year and see Liberal Hypocrisy playing out big time in Wisconsin against the GOP and Video: Paul Ryan discusses Madison protests in Wisconsin and Video: How public sector unions are making us more reliant on Government? and the latest exclusive video interview of Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin at Video: Governor Scott Walker video interview at on the union protest.
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Video: Breitbart's speech at the Madison, Wisconsin rally in support of Governor Walker
Labels: Wisconsin
Here is another video highlighting Breitbart in Wisconsin today.
Also see Cartoon: The difference between public sector unions and private sector unions and Teachers union in Wisconsin is fighting for Viagra drug benefits at tax payer's expense from August of last year and see Liberal Hypocrisy playing out big time in Wisconsin against the GOP and Video: Paul Ryan discusses Madison protests in Wisconsin and Video: How public sector unions are making us more reliant on Government? and the latest exclusive video interview of Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin at Video: Governor Scott Walker video interview at on the union protest.
Values Voter News can be accessed on your mobile phone with ease see Get Values Voter News on your Blackberry, iPhone, Droid or other mobile phones
Cartoon: The difference between public sector unions and private sector unions
Labels: Cartoons, Labor UnionsFound this cartoon at here.
Private Sector unions are one thing but Public Sector unions are quite another as this cartoon paints the biggest difference between the two. Also see Teachers union in Wisconsin is fighting for Viagra drug benefits at tax payer's expense from August of last year and see Liberal Hypocrisy playing out big time in Wisconsin against the GOP and Video: Paul Ryan discusses Madison protests in Wisconsin and Video: How public sector unions are making us more reliant on Government? and the latest exclusive video interview of Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin at Video: Governor Scott Walker video interview at on the union protest.
Here are some excellent comments from the post that I found the cartoon at:
Missing in all this name-calling and finger-pointing is the honest truth about what’s happening in states like Wisconsin where unions have run budgets into the ground: and that truth is that public employees have grown so accustomed to pensions, health insurance, and other benefits coming to them via taxpayer expense that they can’t handle the thought of paying their own way like regular “volk” (a little joke for the “Hitler” chanters in the crowd.)
That’s right: Many of the marchers/protesters in Wisconsin are simply outraged that they may actually have to pay for the goods and services they’re used to forcing others to purchase for them. And they’re so blinded by their learned dependency on big government handouts that they can’t understand that Governor Walker is simply asking all employees in the state to carry their own weight for a change, because taxpayers in Wisconsin can’t do it any more: it’s financially untenable.
As Rush Limbaugh put it: “Average, ordinary Americans who are paying the salaries and the health benefits and the pensions [of union members] are losing their jobs and losing their homes. [So] there isn’t any money anymore!” And this means average Americans, like those in Wisconsin, can’t afford to foot an extravagant bill for others any longer.
We must keep in mind that Governor Walker’s proposals don’t end collective bargaining altogether, which is the charge being leveled by union members and media outlets throughout the country. This is just a smoke screen thrown up by union bosses and the people obligated to those bosses (like Wisconsin Democrats and President Obama), as part of a greater effort to make it seem like Governor Walker is after unions per se. But in truth, the governor’s actions are aimed at saving the state of Wisconsin from the bankruptcy it faces if someone doesn’t step up and pull these unionized masses off the taxpayer’s teet.
Whether intentional or not, a tangled web was woven by Governor Walker’s predecessors, and along the way public employees only grew more accustomed to having their “pensions, healthcare, and unfunded liabilities” paid by rank and file residents of Wisconsin (who have no affiliation with unions apart from paying the expenses union members incur).
Governor Walker campaigned on reining things in financially for Wisconsin, and he’s doing just that. Along the way, he’s hit on a nerve that proves the validity of the assertion that big government handouts promote big dependence."
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