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Here is a video promo of LifeSiteNews.com new site.

Here is link to LifeNews.com. The difference between the two sites will become evident as you will notice LifeSiteNews.com does a great job in reporting international pro-life news whereas LifeNews.com reports more on pro-life news in the US. They both have their weaknesses and strengths in those areas but combining the two on your RSS Feeds is what I have done and you get the best of both worlds. Another difference is that LifeSiteNews.com also reports on other issues like faith and family. You can also get on their email list. These two sites will keep you well aware of pro-life news around the globe and now more as you browse their sites.

LifeSiteNews.com is currently #26,761 in the US and #74,790 in the world according to Alexa.com.

LifeNews.com is currently #12,127 in the US and #58,590 in the world according to Alexa.com.

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