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Not to mention the difficulties and costs of raising a child under less then ideal situations for both the parent and child and surrounding family and how this effects society in the long run and the economy and tax payers.

This is like preventive philanthropy. See more Church and Family Philanthropy for more of the benefit of the Church and Family to society.

Some may say an answer to the problem of raising children in less then ideal situations is abortion, condemns, birth control, sex education, adoption and who knows what other thing is later deemed necessary. To which others may respond that it's so much less expensive if we just did it God's way and abstain till marriage and then maybe just then we could afford health care for everybody. It seems that if health care is going to include care for ungodly living and abortions that result from it providing no immediate consequences that the long term consequence for doing so will be high health care costs and who but knows that that is indeed part of the problem with our health care system today that being a moral one.

How can we expect the blessings of God on the health of our nation if we are going to continue to expect those blessings without paying attention to his way of operating things?

P.S.-The writer of this blog is as guilty as anyone out there on this issue. Christ died on the cross for sinners such as us giving us no reason to reject His love toward us with the greatest act of sacrificial love from any god to any man that has actually impacted this world like no other with that very message. If you are questioning that there were ever a god let it be that it must be the God that sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.-John 3:16

Study Critical of Virginity Pledges Reveals that More Religious Teens Embrace Abstinence-"The study, using data from the national Adolescent Health Survey, examines 934 teens with strong religious backgrounds, 289 of whom took abstinence pledges and 645 who did not. The author of the study, Janice Rosenbaum, a post doctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told CNSNews.com that her analysis shows that among her sample of 934 teens with strong religious backgrounds, both the pledgers and non-pledgers became sexually active at about 21 on average. That is four years later than teens who are not as religious. She said religious beliefs play a role in teens abstaining from sex.
“One year before pledging, pledgers are more religious, less sexually experienced, and hold more negative attitudes about sex and birth control than adolescents who do not go on to take a virginity pledge,” Rosenbaum writes in Pediatrics. “Religious adolescents delay sexual initiation, so virginity pledgers’ prepledge religiosity could induce abstinence without the pledge.”...Religious teens “are more restrained in the sexual choices and that’s because of their social context,” said Rosenbaum. “They are less sexually experienced to begin with. Their friends are engaging in less risk behavior. Their parents also go to church and they are also choosing to go to church and to stay affiliated with evangelical Christianity.”


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